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A Cat Scaring Machine

Get those frigen cats out of your way without getting them pissed
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I have cats. When I open the door to get to my garage, my cats come inside. I yell and pick them up to take them outside, but this usually ends up with a cut or scratch. In order to avoid this I kick the door but this makes them not like me as much as before. What I propose is an alarm designed for the sole purpose of getting cats to run in terror/agony. Since a button placed inside my house would activate the device, I don't need to let those cats run inside and make me waste time.
Tangora, Oct 14 2005



       The Cat Torture Machine   

       Cats are mortified of: citrus; lemons, oranges, grapefruit Nutmeg Mice larger than themselves Eagles   

       Try any one of those. Nutmeg is more of a repellent.
jellydoughnut, Oct 14 2005

       Animal cruelty ideas carry the grave risk of getting you on the Autoboner's (s') list/s...   

       ..and if your cats are not kept inside, where they belong, I suggest they be humanely destroyed.
ConsulFlaminicus, Oct 14 2005

       could someone tell me why USian cats don't get to run about in the garden? I do like mine in at night though.
po, Oct 14 2005

       //could someone tell me why USian cats don't get to run about in the garden// The bears might get 'em?
coprocephalous, Oct 14 2005

       ummm, well, I used to let mine run outside until the fleas became unmanagable, but I think the attitude of overprotection of animals has become part of our culture.
dentworth, Oct 14 2005

       //if your cats are not kept inside, where they belong, I suggest they be humanely destroyed.//   

       So if they're not forced to live in an area that is much smaller than their natural habitat(s) giving us amusment and rubbing gainst our legs, they shouldn't be aloud to live at all?
jellydoughnut, Oct 14 2005

       have to agree, jdn. nothing pleases me more than seeing my cats run about outside - but then, bears are not frequent visitors in s. london
po, Oct 14 2005

       so what! they crap in neighbour's gardens and kick up their bulbs and spray on their plants...   

       cats here seem to be immune from the law.   

       funnily enough though, you have to report running over a dog but not a cat.   

       praps we (UK) treat cats as wildlife...
po, Oct 14 2005

       My ten year old calico has full indoor/outdoor priveleges. She is smarter than both coyotes and cars. If I could only teach her to do laundry....
normzone, Oct 14 2005

       !!! i had no idea there were parts of the world cats were kept entirely inside !!!isn't the whole point of cats that they're completely low maintanance and walk themselves?
daaisy, Oct 14 2005

       //you have to report running over a dog but not a cat//   

       I didn't know. Here on the Wrong Continent some people feel a sense of acheivement after doing either. Psychos.   



       All animals are equal. But some are more equal than others.
jellydoughnut, Oct 14 2005

       Keep a water pistol by your garage door; or a hair dryer if you don't want wet carpet.
Adze, Oct 14 2005

       // !!! i had no idea there were parts of the world cats were kept entirely inside !!!isn't the whole point of cats that they're completely low maintanance and walk themselves?//   

       That's what I thought about my Sea Monkies.   


       ...those poor little monkies...
jellydoughnut, Oct 15 2005


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