sometimes a pile of atoms looks like a bunch of round
things Chemists note these form ordered structures Thus
a Face centered cubic arrangement has a different
density than a body centered cubic arrangement
If we ignore that arranging to just look at amorphous
density then we find some elements
have equal densities
Zn as well as Cr have density 7.14
thus whatever the actual preferred crystal form of a Zn
or Cr crystal is if we put just one Zn or Cr atom at the tip
or side of an ordered crystal made of the different
element then all of the reacting that atom does will be
from Nucleus charge rather than actual atomic radius
New stuff:
Another way of looking at this is a salt crystal with one K
atom at the very corner of the cube. The wobble of that
K atom, even though NaCl makes up the supporting
physical base, is more electrically detectable from
background that just a Na on the corner so resolution
goes up.
Another approach would be to have an AFM crystal tip
with two fingers, one a K atom, the other an Na atom,
the electrical change could be looked at as the
difference between the two, with, just possibly, the
nucleus positivity being the detectable difference. I do
not know if there are elements with near complete
identicality of one quantum emission band(level) but the
identicality of the electron response with the big nuclear
mass difference could make a positive energy nucleus
based AFM tip that functions at higher resolution.
Then the previous writing:
It appears that this gives an AFM tip the ability to view
things with higher resolution than an AFM tip of just one
element or of a crystallized compound
From a nanotechnological point of view with an
amorphous equidistant mass the density is reminiscent of
which atoms have an average similar radius yet the
actual electronegativity of the atom as well as that
atoms quantum conduction areas is what will react to
the thing being characterized
rather than a bunch of atoms flexing to modify measured
e- its just one atom flexing as the tip nears an object
Now there is a peculiar thing about this: I got my density
numbers from wolframalpha so its possible they used a
copy of the CRC handbook numbers for say a chunk of Cr
with FCC crystals at STP as well as a chunk of Zn with
BCC crystals at STP or its possible they calculated
amorphous density from AMU times atomic radius
note that atomic radius varies irregularly with atomic
mass thus Gallium might actually be more dense than
Germanium even though Germanium has more protons
plus neutrons; generally if its a liquid near STP like Ga or
Br it has a tighter nucleus
My idea works if they did AMU times atomic radius
yet they have the densities of things like nitrogen as
.0001 with Zn at 7.14 thus I think the densities are a
chunk of element at STP
I still think the idea works its just I don't know which
elements actually have identical amorphus density from
AMU times atomic radius