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ADS Crossing Enforcement

For use at intersections where jaywalkers are significantly more of a problem for vehicle traffic than the norm.
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The Active Denial System is, in layman's terms, basically a heat ray mounted on a truck. Doesn't cause any lasting injury, as it only penetrates a few mm below the skin surface, but causes intense pain. Right. So let's mount them on poles (not Poles) near problematic intersections where lots of pedestrians cross against the light resulting in either or both increased traffic congestion and pedestrian injury, and synchronize them with the crossing signal. If you try crossing against the light, you get zapped by the ADS ray. Hey presto, no more jaywalking. Could be coupled with light-synchronized popup road spikes to prevent red light running for fairness.
21 Quest, Oct 19 2013

ADS http://en.m.wikiped...ctive_Denial_System
[21 Quest, Oct 19 2013]


       Tinfoil ... oh, so many uses.
8th of 7, Oct 19 2013

       According to the linked article, metallic objects can create hotspots, so I'm not sure foil would do much good. It might make it worse.
21 Quest, Oct 19 2013

       According to Jane's, the only reliable defense against ADS is lead or gold. Luckily I've got a couple of x-ray aprons, so they'll have to resort to more traditional methods of subdual to put me down, such as water cannons, tear gas, andor letting me tire myself out running around wearing two stiff lead-lined aprons and sporting a five- pound gentleman's protective on my head like a tiara.
Alterother, Oct 19 2013

       //wearing two stiff lead-lined aprons and sporting a five- pound gentleman's protective on my head like a tiara.

       So that was you in that footage on youtube...
not_morrison_rm, Oct 19 2013

       It's a reasonable assumption.
Alterother, Oct 20 2013

Yes _this_ is what we need to spend tax dollars on...

       Yay, screw fixing homelessness, government corruption, and the education system.
Let's fry pedestrians instead.

       Why does it have to be done instead of all those other things, rather than in addition to? By that logic, 2 fries, we shouldn't spend money on roads, defense, or, indeed, police. Would you rather your little brother or niece/nephew, being an irresponsible youth, walk in front of a moving car and die because nobody was standing right there to yank them out of the way? I suspect not.
21 Quest, Oct 20 2013

       //Hey presto, no more jaywalking.//

       There's an easier way to prevent the crime of jaywalking, which is to remove it as a crime. Here in the UK, grownups are considered competent to cross the road unsupervised when there is a suitable gap in the traffic. This generally works well, and is certainly better for traffic flow than innumerable light-controlled pedestrian crossings.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 20 2013

       Please see the description below the title, Maxwell.
21 Quest, Oct 20 2013

       I guess it doesn't have to be instead-of rather than in-addition-to... except that I jay-walk all the time.
I also drive through intersections with red lights not smart enough to realise that I am the only person there. I don't like my tax money being spent on curbing victimless crimes, which aren't really crimes, until those more relevant topics are addressed.

       That's just me.

       As an idea, this is a workable one.   

       // I jay-walk all the time. I also drive through intersections with red lights not smart enough to realise that I am the only person there. //

       Those are crimes in Canada?
Alterother, Oct 21 2013

       //Please see the description below the title, Maxwell.//

       What, you mean I've got to read? Aww, shucks. But I'm still in favour of the interplay between common sense and natural selection.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 21 2013

       I'm in favor of those things, too, Max, and would gladly propose legislation decriminalizing the running over of jaywalkers EXCEPT that an adult human body can cause significant damage to the front end of a moving vehicle.
21 Quest, Oct 21 2013

       //Those are crimes in Canada?//

       That's what they tell us. So is spitting on a sidewalk, defacing currency, and, for a while there, not registering the firearms your grandpappy gave you. Some colonial hold-over thing I think.

       Go figure.   


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