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9600 DPI gel mass screening of photovoltaics, thermoelectrics

giant grid causes pH sensitive get to change color, showing highest voltage and current molecules
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previously I described how an inkjet printer with 16 element cartridges printing at 9600 DPI could deposit the chemicals used to make perovskite photovoltaics, then it could be reacted to produce about 9 million different chemical variations.

Then, this sheet could be overlain with a gel that has Ph color changing chemicals, Illuminated with a scanning laser, whenever the voltage was higher the mini gelspot would turn a brighter color permitting a laser scanner to find the highest voltage producing chemical out of 9 million. As to producing current I think the size of the reactive color blob would suggest current. This is a kind of alternate method to the milliken oil drop version here.

Just 12 10" x 10" sheets would permit more than 100 million different photovoltaic chemicals to be measured. I also favor this method to find better thermoelectrics.

combinatorial photovoltaic particles on a gel matrix that changes color based on the amount of voltage and current produced to test 9 million new chemicals each pass.

beanangel, Jun 06 2017

pH color responsive chemicals respond to voltage (images about 1/3 of the way on the page) http://faculty.wash...f/transverseief.htm
[beanangel, Jun 10 2017]


       So, we're testing random combinations of sixteen elements, to see which produce most power - but, instead of numbers, we're using visual inspection to highlight - literally - the best ones?   

       I think [Ian Tindale] might have some good input to this idea.
pertinax, Jun 07 2017

       This idea sounds very familiar.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 07 2017

       // mass creening //   

       Is that "mass creening" (?) or "mas screening" ?   

       "Creening" does not seem to be a valid word in English (or even american).   

       "Screening" is a real word, but what's "mas" ?   

       We ask merely for information...
8th of 7, Jun 07 2017

       Parthenogenesis of lottery tickets is not a well-documented phenomenon. The issue of sexual vs. asexual reproduction remains unresolved. Therefore, we assert that you (or someone) are in all probability communicating verbally via your Lower Rear Orifice. However, we are open to persuasion by additional objective evidence.
8th of 7, Jun 07 2017

       //open to persuasion// I refute it thus! <stubs toe on [8th]>
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 07 2017

       OK, I was wrong.
pertinax, Jun 08 2017

       Ow !   

       <glares at [MB]>
8th of 7, Jun 08 2017

       <dons shades>
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 08 2017

       mas: Spanish: meaning more. Portuguese: but.   

       So, my best guess is that more butt screenings are called for by the idea, which seems wise given the state of the average Western colon. Or it could be screenings of larger butts, which seems unwise.
RayfordSteele, Jun 08 2017

       Ars longa, vita brevis. Which translates as "if you have a large arse, avoid shorts".
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 08 2017

       Advice that you personally would do well to take notice of when selecting garments.   

       <rubs ankle, uses ruler to flick lump of chewed blotting-paper at [MB]'s sunglasses>
8th of 7, Jun 08 2017

       <examines fingernails whilst waiting for sunglass auto-wipe to kick in>
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 08 2017

       ..."chewed blotting paper" [?]   

       so, 12 hours later, back to the technology? Maybe this could work with OLED molecules as well to find the brightest spiffiest ones. I used to wonder if OLEDs made with isotopically pure elements would have higher precision emitting spectra
beanangel, Jun 08 2017

       //back to the technology?// Nah, it's bollocks mate.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 08 2017

       From the title I thought this was going to be an electrophoretic method. That would actually be a good way to do it, possibly, I think, as opposed to this electroscopic method.   

       Speaking of this electroscopic method, does voltage/current really control pH in that way? Also, wouldn't the gel short out the photovoltaic or thermoelectric particles?   

       I have an electroscopy idea I want to post once I work out its workings, which would do a similar thing for a different purpose, but I wasn't planning to use pH as a proxy for voltage. If your pH-proxy method does work, I'll have to consider switching to that.   

       // I used to wonder if OLEDs made with isotopically pure elements would have higher precision emitting spectra //   

       Why don't you still wonder that?
notexactly, Jun 10 2017

       I found some images online of pH indicators like thymol blue changing color with voltage (1.2v) at the [link] so, a gel, full of thymol blue, with little electrically active photovoltaic dust sized particles could make colors visible to a scanning camera   

       well, I wonder a little about the isotopically pure OLEDs It is public domain now!
beanangel, Jun 10 2017

       Interesting. Thanks for the link. I think what they're doing there is electrolyzing saltwater and the pH indicator is indicating the pH as the Na+ and Cl- separate. That sounds like it takes considerable current (i.e. more than microamps) to cause a detectable change. I think for your application, and probably for mine too, we need higher input impedance in the voltage detection method.   

       I will try to flesh out my idea and post it as soon as I can. You are welcome to use it for this application if it's suitable.
notexactly, Jun 11 2017


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