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(Not So) Simple "3D" Display

A wall of projectors.
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This method allows a window-like illusion that works for multiple viewers at different vantage points (near, far, left, right).

For every pixel, have a very small projector facing outward. The screen is literally a wall of projectors. Of course, each individual projector must stream footage at an incrementally different angle.

Basically, what your eye receives is a little bit of light from each projected image. Since they are all slightly different, any position will have a unique perspective. If you were to stand to the side of the screen, you'd see parts of the image that are hidden from viewers directly in front of it. This method also creates a subtle difference between your left and right eye, the most important part of 3D.

So far, the smallest video projectors are palm-sized, which means that one of these screens will probably need to be imax-sized (doable for movie theater use). It will also be very expensive (still doable, but not many will be made until technology improves and prices go down, I'm looking at you, nano-materials people).

The images will be computer generated almost always. Real footage could be used, but you would need a wall of cameras if you want to capture the same affect.

The major design issue is to make sure each projector's image is at the correct angle.

Where this may all fall apart is focusing the image, as a near perfectly-clear image is needed. Since the screen will look like a real window, the audiences own eyes will do the focusing, not the camera.

I leave the rest to all of you, my friends.

GPMcGee, Aug 25 2008

Nanoprojector http://www.symbian-.../tiny_projector.htm
The smallest projector I've found so far. [GPMcGee, Aug 25 2008]

Horizontal Only 3D http://www.youtube....watch?v=vEhCSaCekDI
This is tech that fits into abnea's description. As sweet as it is, I'm more interested in full 3D. [GPMcGee, Aug 26 2008]

Philips 3D http://www.wired.co.../news/2006/08/71627
And.... baked. [mylodon, Aug 27 2008]

Lazy Susan Control http://lazysusans-r..._susan_options.html
[mylodon, Aug 27 2008]


apnea, Aug 25 2008

       The tiny projectors sound possible, the smallest is coming out for large display on phones, but the alignment sounds harder than you say. A projected image can be focused on a screen because the screen is a fixed distance from the projector. A screen of projectors could be focused for a viewer at a known position, but not for an audience whose distance would vary wildly from side to side.
MisterQED, Aug 25 2008

       Valid concern, MisterQED, I guess the question becomes, what makes a projected image blurry or clear? Anybody know?   

       I'd like to restate that the purpose of the device is to allow glasses-free 3D such that multiple people at varying distances, angles, and heights would observe the image distinctly (and of course in seemingly three dimensions).   

       I do not expect a movie theater size-audience as the main target (I'm more for the home theater/gaming people), I was simply clarifying that this is all that is probably possible at the moment using this method.
GPMcGee, Aug 26 2008

       I only have half a guess but it is something like DLP, but using curved mirrors. Start with tiny mirrors curved in one axis and rotating in the other. Project a line of LED lasers on the mirror and vibrate the mirrors back and forth. The idea is to create millions of tiny laser projectors that don't have to be focused.
MisterQED, Aug 26 2008

       Umm... What's "simple" about this?
csea, Aug 26 2008

       Hey, check out the link. I think this is exactly what GPMcGee has had in his mind.   

       Getting over the whole 'projection' thing and just saying that any light that hits your eye is projected somehow from somewhere, there it is.   

       It's not a bad idea at all, really, which is why someone did it.   

       [HegelStone] Regarding your '9 streams from one card' -- check out how many angles the Phillips TV 'projects' per pixel.   

       [edit] But I have to agree, if something is so simple you can't quite figure it out, you deserve a bone for the risk you put other people in, were you to try and implement this.
mylodon, Aug 27 2008

       Hmm. I never sit more then 3 different places when watching TV. I guess a part of the reason why this stuff might be successful is that most people aren't going to be moving.   

       Although I do sometimes go horizontal. It would probably difficult to support people who lay down headfirst on their couches, along with those who lay down foot first.   

       In that case perhaps the TV does need to start watching you.
mylodon, Aug 27 2008

       Or just add 'rotate' to the remote [see link]   

       I guess this won't work for flush wall mounted designs (or as well)
mylodon, Aug 27 2008


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