A command line interface, that asks you "did you mean", shows you various options, and gives you a resulting list of commands which you can choose to activate, re-activate, save etc.
This interface should include a simple and intuitive meta-interface, for creating these types of command-line interfaces.
1.OS: A command line interface for DOS or Linux, when you CD to a directory and write "my docs important invention patent draft" it responds with
Do you mean:
\\My Documents\ Important\Inventions\ Patent_Draft.xlsx [open doc] [show folder] [actions on document[v]] [actions with folder[v]]
2. Browser address bar: In the browser address bar, you start typing what you are searching for. It suggests meanings, but also keywords, and a list of posibilites. But rather than just giving a history list (like you currently get when you start typing), here you get a comprehensive list in plain english with various options.
e.g. Type velo bicycle vehicle lightweight fast
it returns (similar to a search engine, but this time its searching in your search history and in the common search history):
Did you mean:
Velomobile [search] [define] [translate] [buy]
Add Keywords: [Ultralight] [Safest] [New] [History]
Velocycle [search] [define] [translate] [hire] [contact]
You recently looked at:
YouTube: Velomobiles in timbuktu [x] [comments (3)]
Blogspot: Velvel Volfovitchs Vlog on Volvo Vello's [x] [comments]
Maps: How to get to timbuktu [see related velomobile articles] [show map at [onlinemaps.com [v]]]