Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Monthly top 10
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   32 Pin Bowling  xenzag  Sport: Bowling 
 (0)  dental bowling 
   Boiled egg surprise  bhumphrys  Food: Egg 
 (0)  Trick your friends 
   Cool Room Light Switches - Now 50% Less Boneable  doctorremulac3  Public: Architecture: Feature 
 (+2, -2)  See link. 
   Funding Metric Applied To All Scientifically Arrived At Results  doctorremulac3  Science: 
 (0)  The scientists that agree that XYZ is awesome need to put their relationship with the entities that profit from XYZ, if any, in their documentation. 
   Halfbakery Contests And Puzzles Using Linked Quiz Sites  doctorremulac3  Halfbakery: Idea Contest 
 (0)  Inspired by Loris's "Is it human or AI?" test. 
   Improved Bus Conversion To Homeless Shelter With Sun And Fresh Air Patios On Top  doctorremulac3  Public: Homeless 
 (+1, -1)  Those were supposed to be chaise lounges, not beds and have privacy walls between them. 
   That's All Folks  xenzag  Halfbakery: Account 
   The 30 minute bench  21 Quest  Public: City: Planning 
 (+1, -1)  To keep one person from hogging it all day. 
 (-1)  Jackson Pollock Art Critic Contest  doctorremulac3  Culture: Art: Performance 
 (-1)  Who can make the smartest sounding commentary on a Jackson Pollock splatter? 
 (-3)  "In C" Orchestra  xenzag  Culture: Music: Source 
 (-3)  special instrument orchestra that can only play the C chord 

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