Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Naturally, seismology provides the answer.

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[Feb 05 2005, last modified Jun 27 2020]
(+6, -2) 3-D Maze
(+3, -2) A Million Miles/Kilometres Away...
(+3) Anthem Week
 Anti-Theft Blood Splatter Bags
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) At The Puppy Races
(+6) Audiobooks with different voices
(+4, -6) Balloon Ambulance
(+2, -1) Binary Password Peripheral
(+4) Biro Bong
(+4, -2) Bubbles-O-Gram
(+2, -6) Bucket of Steam
(+9)(+9) Camping Havoc Strip Poker
(+24, -2)(+24, -2)(+24, -2) Chess Hoodie
 Clip Shirt
(+7, -1) Clockwork Orange Juice Dispenser
 Consumer Sovereignity Voting
 Contacts Card
(+2, -1) Convince them
(+9)(+9) Counting Down Pool
(+6, -1) Custard Couch
(+10)(+10) Custard Court
(+4) Darth of the Day
(+18, -4)(+18, -4) Death By Donation
(+10)(+10) Detachable Books
(+2) Dexterity DS
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Diddly-Beep Tune Checkout
(+1) Different Book Covers
(+21, -4)(+21, -4) Discworld Restaurant
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Dragon Burners
(+15, -3)(+15, -3) Ducky!!
(+21, -6)(+21, -6) Dungeons & Dragons Park
(+3) E-Book Library
(+4, -3) Early Ordering
(+3, -1) Edible Paper Chains
(+4, -1) EtherFridge
(+34, -1)(+34, -1)(+34, -1) Evil Genius Camp
(+8, -4) Evil Genius Gardens
(+7, -4) Evil Mailbox
(+8, -1) Exam Sneak
(+16)(+16) File Death
(+2) File Memory
(+7, -1) Fireworks Night Dog Care
(+5) Freezer Cavern
(+7) Froglets' Toe Ring
(+9, -5) Garden Gnome Hit Squad
(+3, -1) Generator Bike
(+3, -1) Google Gunning
(+2, -1) Halfbakers' Block
(+3) Hammock Ski-lift
(+11)(+11) Hamsterwheel Pedometer
(+8)(+8) Heavy Hat
(+10)(+10) Helium-stored crisps/chips
(+10, -3) Hell's Thermometer
(+11, -2)(+11, -2) Hidden
(+2) Hirstian Coffin
(+4) Hourglass Coffee Mug
(+2) House Rabbits
(+46, -1)(+46, -1)(+46, -1) I was there!
(+9)(+9) Ice Racks
(+6, -2) In-built Upgrade Design
(+5) In Sickness & In Health-o-Meter
 It ain't what ya do...*
(+9)(+9) Joggers For Hot Days
(+1) Laminated Clothing
(+19, -2)(+19, -2) Little-Known Food Restaurant
(+1) Mendocino Golf Cart
(+14)(+14) Mirror Toast
(+3, -6) Moat of Doom
(+4) Monocular Beer Tankard
(+2, -3) Monopoly Cult
(+3, -2) Moving Alarm
(+16, -1)(+16, -1) Music Download Machine
(+6, -3) Musical Toast
(+5) No Pants, Just the Pocket
(+10, -3) Non-Obvious Icons
(+4) NosePack
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Not A Porn Mag Magazines
(+3) Oi! Mine!
(+3, -1) Operation Shock
(+2, -1) Oscar the Grouch Phone
 Park eating area minus the inebriated
(+4) Pedant's Teapot
(+13)(+13) Pen Lid Panpipes
(+9)(+9) pH Umbrella
(+2, -1) Phantom Knock-and-Runner
(+6) Pound Jewelry
(+3, -1) Pumpkins for Halloween Haters
(+8, -3) Puss De Soleil
(+8, -2) Radio Clock Smoke Alarm
(+5, -1) Radioactive Spinach
(+4, -1) Re-enactment Day
(+3, -1) ReBoing Catapult
(+2, -15)(+2, -15)(+2, -15) Removal of Guns/Weapons in Air Security
(+10, -9) Rent-A-Kid.com
(+5, -2) Reusable Discount Containers
 Reverse Solitaire
(+3, -1) Robotic Garden Wildlife
(+4, -3) Schadenfreude Virus
(+6) Scoubidou Spaghetti
(+2) Seed Bins
 Seedless Strawberries
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Sheets With Laces
 Shorthand Palmtop
(+3, -1) Sigmund Freud Maze
(+3, -1) Snake Coils
(+3, -1) Sneaky Books
 Soap Taps
(+5, -1) Solar Powered Mine Mule
(+1) Solar Powered Reminder Robot
(+3) Solar/Wind-Powered Clothes Line
(+5) Sorcerous Send-Off
(+5, -2) Sorta Filesharing
 'Special Edition' DVD Rental
(+3, -1) Sponsor a Grave
(+4) Sponsored Shopping Bags
(+9)(+9) *Squeak!*
(+3) Stamp Safes
(+3) Stationery Bot
(+2) Steamin' Mad
(+11)(+11) Strappable Notepad
(+6, -2) Surprise, Surprise!
(-1) Swivel Chair Buses
 Tally ProgramPod
(+7, -1) The 'Baker
(+16, -2)(+16, -2) The Chandelier of Skulls
(+4) The Channel Zorbing
(+3) The Circle Room
 The Crap Poetry Awards
(+5) The Even Lamington
(+3, -7) The Exploding House of the Rising Sun
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) The Gatecrashers Society
(+2) The Golden Glow
(+6) The Luggage
(+9)(+9) The Molar Solar System
(+5) The PolitiModern-Dance News
(+7) The Table of Obfuscated Writings
(+2, -1) The Walker (TM)
(+10)(+10) "This song reminds me of..."
(+7, -3) Time Well Spent for Traffic Jam Victims
 Toaster 'Coaster
(+8, -1) Toe Shuffle
(+11)(+11) Trampoline Draughts
(+3, -2) Tree Room
(+5) Unrestricted Warfare: The Game
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Van de Graaf Toaster
(+1) Viola Notation
(+25)(+25)(+25) Volcano Mourning
(+4, -5) Walking underground
(+19, -2)(+19, -2) Warm Fuzzies Anonymous
(+4) Warped & Deformed
(+2) Washing Line Madness
(+4, -1) Wave!!
(+17, -9)(+17, -9) We apologise for the inconvenience...
(+3) Webpage climate control
(+15)(+15) Whistlers' Chicken
(+3) Widdershins Pen
(+8, -1) ...With a Little Drop of Poison...

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