Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Outside the bag the box came in.

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No longer a janitor, but still elbow-deep in toilets.

My greatest ideas come as I'm nearly asleep. I wake myself up to write them down. They fade away as I wake up. I try to go back to sleep. More ideas come. Start over.

Following [2Fries] advice, my top ten (personal preference, not by score):

Bamboo Parallam

Catnip Cologne

Off the Wall Prostheses

Custom Cooled Theatre

Roadtrip Soundtrack Radio

Printed Garden

Interstate Solar Farm

Schrodinger Gift

Science Fair for Grownups

Fully Baked Engine

That last one is actually one of my most poorly received ideas, but is the one that I would really enjoy giving a shot at making. Perhaps that's only because it's the one that I could feasibly do with nothing more than a castoff lawnmower engine and some parts laying about.

[Jun 03 2005, last modified Jul 23 2007]

(+6, -3) A Return to Language
(+9)(+9) Anti-Fog specs
(+11)(+11) Asymmetric loo
(+2, -1) Audio Coupons
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Bamboo parallam
(+3) Branch-proof Throttle
(+5, -3) Bumper Sticker Internal Logic
(+13)(+13) Catboard
(+8, -2) Catnip Cologne
(+3) Cold-weather Jewelry
(+6) Compact CFL
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) Cubicamo
(+11)(+11) Custom Cooled Theatre
(+3, -1) Dirigibones
(+4) Drug warning labels
(+6, -1) Dryer Heat Recapture
(+3, -4) Dyson's Globe
(+6) Elliptical Christmas Tree
(+3, -1) Halftime Two-Stroke SemiCrower engine
(+6, -1) Hard Drive Head Crash Screaming
(+1, -5) Home Chemo Port
(+5, -1) Hybrid Dirigible
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) I'm not your lunch
(+5) Inside Radius Cage
(+4) International Jam Day
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Interstate Fuel Farm
(+6, -1) Interstate Solar Farm
(+2) Locking Auto
(+12)(+12) Loom Warp in Bulk
(+2, -1) Malaprop Monitor
(+4, -1) Minions 'R' Us
(+6) Mobile Cell Mobility
(+7, -1) Neenerbots
(+10)(+10) Off the wall prostheses
(+9)(+9) Offset Router
(+8, -1) Powder Actuated Hammer
(+14)(+14) Printed Garden
(+1) Reception Armchairs
 Revolution Revolution Revolution
(+8, -1) Road Trip Soundtrack Radio
(+3) Roadtrip Rations Ratings
(+6) Rocket Harpoon
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Schrödinger Gift
(+16, -1)(+16, -1) Science Fair for Grown-ups
 Siamesed HVAC
(+7) Spray buff tint
 Stereo Hearing Protection Headphones
(+3, -1) Stressed Shell Battery
(+6, -3) The Muzzle Vote
(+11, -3)(+11, -3) UnDoor
(+10)(+10) Van Door Graff Generator
(+8)(+8) Vehicular Vet
(+1, -7)(+1, -7) WhiteCell.exe
(+18)(+18) Whoopie Coffin

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