Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Oh. Hello there. You've found my halfbakery profile. Well, perhaps you'd like to - GOOD GOD, did I really post that many halfbaked ideas already?! Ahem. Sorry. So anyway, perhaps you'd like to learn even more about me by going to my...

blog: http://xsarenkax.blogspot.com/

My email address is: beniazouras at gmail dot com (Please include "Halfbakery" in your subject line to avoid the Yahoo! spamminator, though!)

* PLEASE NOTE: Kindly identify that you found me via my HalfBakery profile page when you first contact me, lest I treat you as mere spam and delete your note. Ooh, how I hate spam! I really hate people who encourage spammers by responding to spam! Ooh...rabble, rabble, rabble...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Check out NATIVE SUBURBIA, our own backyard transformation project from boring, old turf grass to a wildflower preserve teeming with wildlife! Go to: http://www.icode6.net/native_suburbia/
Also see the Native Suburbia Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/native.suburbia/

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I also have a silly Facebook page called "Unwindsday" for when you feel like you need to slack a bit more: https://www.facebook.com/Unwindsday/

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When you eat a donut, do you eat the hole, too, or does the hole still exist somewhere?

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(confused? go to http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Geek_20Code#991918395)

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Want to earn money with Ebates while you shop? (There's nothing to download.) Just start your online shopping here:

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I've been creating again...

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[May 31 2002, last modified Apr 04 2022]

 Adjustable Hoods
(+2) Adjustable Tension Ironing Board
(+14, -7) All-Over, All-Day, Wash-On, Waterproof Sunblock
(+2) Anonymous Gift-Giving
(+1) Automatic Clamp Kit for Sock Pairs
(+3) Benia Braids
(+14)(+14) Beta State
(+29)(+29)(+29) Better Pump Dispenser Bottle Design
(+14)(+14) Black-Light Stringed Christmas Lights
(+13, -6) Breathalizers in All Bars/Pubs
 Camera Eye Glasses
(+1) Car Problem Recorder
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Cell Phones with Retractable Earpiece
(+1, -2) Chew Calories Away
(+3) Collision Cards
(+2) Combo Gas Pump/ATMs
(+3) Data Bytes (or Nybbles & Bits)
(+6) Driver Expressions
(+2) Easily Accessible Lint Trap
(+2) Edible Socks
(+8)(+8) Elevator Air Refresher Button
(+7, -1) Environmental Danger Warning Labels
(+5) Equal-Sized Corn Bread
(+1) Etch-a-Sketch-Inspired Cargo Securing Bars
(+1) Five-Cornered Bandana
(+1) Floral Gift Registry
(+3, -2) Flying by the Seat of Your Pants Launcher
(+2) Front Seat Trays
(+18)(+18) Frosting Tips for Toothpaste
(+2, -1) Garage Floor Sweeper/Blower
(+1) Hamster (or Other Caged Animal) "Video Games"
 Hangover Warning Labels
(+2) HB PC/Mac Icons Sets
(+3, -2) Hybrid Home Communities in Floodplains
(+5, -4) Hypocritical Bumper Sticker
(+12, -4)(+12, -4) Ingredients/Nutrition Info for Alcoholic Beverages
(+25, -2)(+25, -2)(+25, -2) Innuendo Cafe
(+7, -3) International Symbol for International
(+10)(+10) Invasive Plant ID/Pull Service
 Man-made Atlantic Archipelago
 Medical Records Database
(+1) Mesh Bra Air Dryers
(+21, -1)(+21, -1)(+21, -1) Migraine Visual Aura Simulation
(+2) Mirror In the Bathroom...Stall
(+4, -2) Mirrors In Bathroom Stalls
(+4) Online University/College Teacher Rating System
(+3, -4) "Page Bottom" Bookmark Link on Each Page
(+3, -1) Pay Construction Workers Per Job, Not Per Hour
(+5) Peacock Hair Fanning Clip
(+9)(+9) Photo-Perfect Nails
(+18, -1)(+18, -1) Plush Half-Croissant
(+8, -3) Problems Needing Solutions Category
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Psychedelic Birthday Morning Greeting
(+17, -2)(+17, -2) Pufferfish Shopping Jacket
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Put Greeting Cards and Magazines near Pharmacy Counter
(+20, -1)(+20, -1) Rain Chimes
(+12)(+12) Shake-Activated Paper Towel Dispenser
(+1) Smoky Treats (Say it Like You're Scooby-Doo)
(+2) Sock-Bomb
(+13)(+13) "Someone's At the Door" Phone App
(+1) Stick Figure Reflective Outerwear
(+9, -1)(+9, -1) Sticky Wall
(+2) Swiffer Pants
(+7, -5) The 35-day Birth Control Pill Pack
(+4) The Lumbarpack
(+1, -4) TV Commercial: Stop Traffic with Our Product
(+5) Two Additional Side Mirrors
(+9, -2) Two-Way Mirror Cubicle Windows
(+4, -2) Universal Cleaner Symbol Stickers
(+7) Users' Very Own, Private, Online, Idea Scratchpad
(+1) Windshield Washer Fluid Gauge
(+28)(+28)(+28) "You're Blinding Me" Reflective Bumper Sticker

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