[This account was destroyed in a disk crash
in October 2004 and has been partially restored
from a cached copy. If it is yours, please send
e-mail to <bakesperson@halfbakery.com> to reclaim it.
FloridaManatee can be contacted at floridamanatee{ASCII64}fastmail.fm
I strongly recommend the whole planet converts to Fastmail. Why? Start with Hotmail, drop everything you hate, add your entire wishlist and a splash of style. That's Fastmail.
My idea backlog; ideas are available on request:
3G phone clip-on videocam (fake image);
Adenosine Tri Phosphate battery (for implants);
Hairdryer keychain (windproof lighter & ducted fan);
HHGTLP (hitchhikers guide to the lonely planet);
Interplanetary G-compensator (gel-damper);
Linear bow (catapult crossbow);