
British, though living in Philly for a decade now. Cell & Mitochondrial Biologist, procrastinator, surrealist, car, aviation & aquarium enthusiast.

email can be constructed with my username as a prefix to the normal email domain from the very large search corporation.

[Oct 04 2004, last modified Aug 22 2021]

2 year calendar (+5)
-80C SSD Results Are In (+5)
AC/DC Hybrid Vacuum Cleaner (+4)
Active Drogue In-Flight Refuelling (+1)
Active Sneakers (+3)
AH-64 Apache Plane Kit (+4)
Air-Blade Tire Water Removal (+3)
Air Knife Tread Cleaner (+3)
Aircraft Training Simulator Network (+3)
All-Analogue Turntable (+1)
Animal Suffering Offset Service (+2)
Anti-Vacation (+6)
Ascorbate Toothpaste (+4)
Astronaut Augmented Atrophy-Reduction Suit (+3)
Asymmetric Loo Roll Perforations (+6, -1)
Attraction Free Tourist Attraction (+12)
Automated Mosquito-Larvae Bucket Apocalypse Device (+11)
Bag-Recorder (+2)
Bagel Plates II (+4)
Bagpipe Mine (+3)
Ballistic Internet Interconnect (+3)
Bear-Crow (+4)
Bed Ventilation Chimney (+5)
Better Fluorescent Fish (+12)
Better Laptop Power Jack (+6, -2)
Bi-Directional Ratchet Syringe (+7)
Bicycle Brake Lock (+3)
Bicycle Guard Goose (+2)
Bidirectional Salton Refill Canal (+2)
Bluetooth Earphone Charger (+1)
Boozehound's Secret Star (0)
Brushless Electric-Wankel Hybrid Engine. (+6, -1)
Car Door-Jamb Washer Fluid Refill Port (+6)
Cat-Damped Dead-Blow Hammer (0)
Catalytic Scientific Water Supply (+1)
Cell Phone Charger Current Limiter (+3)
Cell Phone Sunglasses Sensing Screen Brightness (+6)
Chariot-Style Bus Racing (+5)
City Cooling Downdraft Towers (+1)
Civil Defense Bicycle Hub (+13)
Claymore Anti-Tamper Coffin (+11)
Cleaning Slippers (+2)
Clip-On Thermoelectric Shower Booster (+4)
Clipboard Preview Key Command (+6)
Close Lid To Flush (+8)
Clothes Shrinkage Database (+2)
Clothing Instructions (+4)
CO2 Pulse-Chase Experiment (+2)
Coaxial Updraft/Downdraft Solar Tower (+4)
Coffee Crusher (+3)
Combined Anti-Droop Anti-Roll Spring (+3)
Combined Solar Updraft Photovoltaic/Concentrating Thermosolar Plant (+2)
Combined Taser & AED (+4)
Compartment Innertubes (+2, -1)
Compressed-Air Powered Dyson-Fan Leaf Blower (+3)
Condensing Pot Lid (+3)
Condensing Stove Hood (+1)
Constitutional Language Update (+2, -6)
Consumer Electronics Lightning Strike Triangulation (+4)
Consumer-Linked Carbon Capture and Storage (+2)
Containerized Cruise Vacation (+3)
Corner Microwave (+6)
Corporate Advertising Dis-incentivization App/Browser Extension (+5)
Corrected Laser Sight (+3, -1)
Cow-Milking Robot (+5)
Crowdsourced Medical Imaging Analysis (+7)
Crusher bin (+3, -2)
Ctrl+F for images (0)
Custard-Filled Child Trousers (+11, -1)
Custard-filled Ninja-proof door handles (+15, -3)
Custard Sculptures (+1, -1)
Cyclonic Oven (+2)
D-Cell Remote Co (+4)
Dashboard Mounted Camshaft (+1)
Day-Night Illuminated 24hr Rotation Globe (+9)
De-Coffeeize the USA (+3, -2)
Deliberately Capacitative Cable (+2)
Designate Wildfires As A Strategic Military Target (+2)
Differential input Tandem Bicycle (+4)
DNP Husky Home Heating (+3)
Door Opening Warning Light (+8)
Double Battery Cell Phone (+4, -1)
Double Decker Bus Stops (+5)
Double Fan Turbofan Engine (+5)
Drone Firework Display (+2)
Dual Centrifugal Blower Drone (+1)
Dual-Clutch Transmission Mellotron (+4)
Eddy-Current Limited Slip Differential (+4)
Eddy Current Magnetic Door Closer (+9)
Ekranoplan Luggage (+6)
Electric JATO (+2)
Electric Steam Hybrid Jet (+1)
Electrical Wiring With Fluorescent Abrasion Indicator (+8)
Electrically Actuated Parallel Quarter Wheel (+6)
Electromagnetic Pole Correction (0)
Elevated Gas Distribution (+4)
Energy-Saving Raised Intersection Approach Lanes (+3)
Enforced Progress Bar Linearity (+3)
Engineer Royal (+12)
English Electric Lightning II (+8)
Enhanced Light Public Park (+2)
Eutectic Cup (+16)
Eutectic Microsphere Engine Coolant (+7)
Eutectic Shower Booster (+8)
Eutectic water heater (+6)
Explosion Fest (+25)
Eye of the Tornado Gin (+2)
Fake Cracked Screen Protector (+1)
Fan-assisted driving pants (+4)
Fat Dialysis (+6)
Field Enhanced 3D Composite Printer (+4)
Flag Encoded Historical Record (0)
Floating Football Stadium (+16, -1)
Floating Lake (+14)
Flow-Through Freezer (+2)
Fluorescent Car Jack (+7, -2)
Fluorescent Charger jack-socket system. (+3)
Fluorescent Planet (+5)
Fluorescent Reflector (+2)
Fluoro-Immune Mice (+4)
Flywheel Stabilized Cruise Ship (+1, -1)
Folding Wheel Luggage (+3)
Food Allergy Challenge II (+5)
Football on Ice (+11, -1)
Forward-Facing Cell-Phone Camera (+1, -1)
Four Stroke Dryer (+3)
Fox Bacteria With Crappy DNA (+1)
France Bypass (+4)
French Wine Reparations (+2, -1)
Freshwater Aquarium Nutrient Export Device (+5)
FridgeCam (+4)
Frost Free Lab Freezer (+3)
FRP Credit Card (+1)
Fruit-fly DNA Tagged Bank Notes (+4)
Full Motion Car Simulator Training (+1)
Glass Cymbals (+17, -1)
Global Lottery (+3)
Golf Racing (+3)
Google Maps Through Time (0)
Great Barrier Reef Refugium (+8)
Green Light Countdown (+4, -1)
Green Tail Lights (+6, -1)
Greener Grass (+4)
Grinder-Proof Bike Lock (+6)
Ground-Source Thermosyphon Road Markers (+1)
Halcatraz (+1)
Hearing Aid Battery Powered Watch (+5, -1)
Heat Exchanger For (Ant)arctic Explorers (+4)
Heat Pump Powered Thermal Water Softener (+9)
Herb Gun (+13)
High-Altitude Thermosolar Aircraft (+6)
High Wing Loading Airliner (+7)
Human Jeanome Project (+2)
Human Sweat Electrolyte Powered Watch (+5, -2)
Human Turbocharger (+2)
Hurricane Specific Wind Turbine (+1, -2)
Husky Powered Aircraft (+9)
Hybrid Block Heater (+1)
Hybrid Metal bolts (+2)
Hydropneumatic LSD (+1)
Hyperbaric Departure Lounge (+4)
Ice Rink Global Cooling (+3)
Ice-Shelf Heat Pipe Power Generator (+3)
Inert-Gas Enhanced Vocal Recording Booth (+9)
Inerterential (+4)
Inertia-Reel Toilet Paper Holder (+5)
Inflatable Tank Track (+4)
Infra-red Camera microwave (+7)
Internalized Antibody-Caspase Conjugate Therapy (+2)
Intravenous H2O2 for Weight Loss (+3)
Intrinsically Unbalanced Brushless Motor (+2)
Inverse Atkinson Cycle Engine (+4, -1)
Inverse Supercharged Two Stroke Dryer (+2)
Ionic lifter Space Elevator (+2)
Iron Lung-Helmet (+1)
Isotope Enhanced Shallow Frying Oil (+4)
Issued @ Birth Government Email Address (+3, -5)
"It's not the heat it's the humidity" calibration towers (+3)
Japanese Ministry of Continued Weirdness (+8)
Keyboard Command Harmonizing Software (+5)
Kitchen Enzymes (+1, -1)
Laptop Power Brick Plus (+3)
Laser Windscreen Wipers (+4)
Lawn Watering Bot (0)
Learning GUI (+6, -1)
Legally Enforceable Progress Bar Linearity (+8)
Length of day clock (0)
Linked Double Door Handle (+4)
Low-Pressure Call Center (+9)
Magnetic Contact Lenses (+4, -1)
Magnetic keys (+3)
Magnetically-Aligned Steel-Reinforced 3D printer (+3)
Manned Anti-Drone System (0)
Massive Eutectic Ice Cube Tray (+6)
Mechanically Actuated Series Quarter Wheel (+2)
Medical Tourism Cruise Ship (+6)
Mercurial Balance Enhancement (+4, -2)
Metabolic Superhuman (+3, -1)
Metabolism Concentrated Hydrogen Isotope Chemi-Radiotherapy (+4)
Metallic Mercury Ice Cube Tray (+4)
Microwave Pot Lid (+1)
Microwave With Dishwasher-Safe Removable Interior Panels (+8)
Mitochondrial Gene Therapy Via Nested Viral Vectors (+6)
Modular Passenger Aircraft (+13, -1)
Monkey Computer (+9, -1)
Moon-Based Optical Backup of Civilization Critical Data (+4)
Moon Improvement Program (+18)
Multi-brick brick (+8)
Multiair Part Time Two Stroke (+1)
Nail-Tipped Screw (+3, -1)
Nested Gas Storage Vessel (+12, -1)
Non-Obnoxious Microwave (+8)
Nuclear-Bungee Spaceship (+3, -9)
Nuclear-Fluorescent Quantum-Dot Beacon (+3)
Nuclear Generation Gravity Storage Hybrid (+4)
Nuclear-Powered Aga (+8, -1)
Ocean-Going Plastic Powered Bussard Ram-Ship (+9)
Oceanic Trench Garbage Compactor. (+4)
One Foot Scales (+7)
Open Printer Project (+5)
Orbital Gravitational Wave Observatory (+4)
Painfully Bright Tanning Bed (+6)
Parallel Action Door Handle (0)
Particle Counting Vacuum Cleaner (+5)
Peltier Crock Pot (+9)
Pendulum Bridge2 (+3)
Persistence Of Vision Propeller HUD (+6)
Personal Cup Holder (+3)
Phase-Change Tableware (+6)
Piezoelectric Rock Chisel (+3)
Port Illumination Button (+3, -1)
Portable Spot-Treatment Washing Machine (+3)
Post-Turbo Oxygen Concentrator Race Engine (+3)
Pot/Pan Lid Cosy (+5)
Power Station With Alcohol Second Stage (+2)
Pre-Worn Keypad Lock (+10)
Privacy Through Noise Phone App (+2)
Progressive Torsion Bar (+4)
Project Orion-cycle (+3)
Pulse Jet Leaf Blower (+5)
Pump-Action Salt-Gun (+11)
Pykrete Bering Strait Bridge (+4)
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Phone Charger (+3)
Randomized Water-Ice Sculpture (+5)
Rangefinder-Adjusted Electric Crossbow (+5)
Real-Feel Flight Simulator (+3)
Receipt-Tissue (+6)
Recirculating Ball Central Heating (+11)
Remote Control Taxi (+3)
Replace Mouse/Rat Scientific Model Animal (+5, -1)
Replace Oxygen Masks With Drop-Down Smoke Hoods (+6)
Rewrite the Declaration of Human Rights (+2, -2)
Road Barrier Wind Guide Vanes (+5)
Road-clearing Air Knife (+2, -1)
Rocker-Bogie Inline Tricycle (+3)
Safe, UV sterilized lift buttons. (+5)
Saturation Submarine (+2)
Scanning Magnetron Microwave (0)
Scanning Mail Box (+2)
Science Ship (+11)
Scratch-proof rim for CDs (+32)
SCUBA Tank (+6, -2)
Second Letter Dictionary (+6)
Self-Decoupling Dual Mass Flywheel (+3)
Self-Inflating Bicycle Tube (+9)
Semi-Disposable Package Heater (+5)
Sequester CO2 in flooded alkali salt flats (+3, -2)
Sharkskin Earphones (+4, -1)
Sheet Protector Luge. (+3)
Shower Sprinkler (+5)
Silicon Purgatory (+3, -1)
Simplified Brexit Solution (+4)
Simplified Nuclear Submarine (+3)
Single Battlefield Fuel (+8)
Single Bladed Propeller Drone (+3)
Single Tank Track Electric Scooter (0)
Slightly different better laptop power jack (+4, -1)
Smartphone Stun Gun (+1)
Snow Hole (+6)
Snowmobile Skis (+4)
Socially Acceptable Door Holding Line (+6)
Solar Powered Remote (+8)
Solid Fuel Lighter III (+1)
Solid Fuel Lighter VIII (+1)
Spinning Lens Glasses (+7)
State Franchises (+3, -1)
Steam-Age Kettle (+3)
Sticky Tea Bag Tab (+10)
Stinky-Dye Bike Lock (+7)
Stowable Pick-Up Truck Bed Cover (+4)
Streaming Service Integrator (+5)
Street-to-Mountain Tyre conversion (+4)
Stride Extending Power Shoes (+6)
Sturmey Archer 3-speed Epicyclic Prayer Wheel (0)
Sturmey Archer Epicyclic 3 Speed Hand Drill (+5)
Subsidized GPS/Accelerometer Box for Motorcycles (+10)
Super Fast Kettle (+4)
Superresolution Total Internal Reflection 3D Printer (+5)
Sweating Jacket (+2)
Swept Boundary Layer Heatsink (+2)
Switchable Magnetic Grabber (+4)
Take Off Clearance Switch (+2)
Teenage Surgical Training (+5)
Temperature Compensating Micrometer (+8)
Tesla Valved Pulse Jet Leaf Blower (+4)
Thermal CycleEr (+2)
Thermal Isolation Head Gasket (+1)
Thermally Pumped Electric Ducted Fan Aircraft (+2)
Thermite Toaster (+5)
Thermoelectric Aircraft Control Surfaces (+5, -2)
Thermoelectric Freezer Alarm (+5)
Thermorheological Dampers (+1)
Thermosiphon Central Heating (+4)
Through-Sleeve Essential Equipment Leash (+4)
TIRF Laser Drill/Cutter (+5)
Toast Planner (+4)
Toilet Aspirator (+7)
Toilet Cistern Heatsink (+7)
Toilet Fan (+4)
Toothpaste (-3)
Torque Converter Driven Turntable (+2)
Transformer Side Table (+2)
Tri-axis Flywheel Stabilized Mug (+3)
Tuneable Naval Guns (+4)
Tuned Mass Damper Beads (+5)
Turbofan car (+4, -2)
TV Ad-Be-Gone (+5)
Two Door Knobs 2 (+3)
Ultimate Megayacht (+8)
Ultrasonic Air Horn (+3)
Uncoupler-Boosted Sewage Digester (+2)
UPS Freezer (+6)
Upward-Facing Toilet Paper Dispenser (+4)
Urinal Spectrophotometer (+11)
UV Fruit/Vegetable Storage Box (+3)
UV-Resin Self Adjusted Prescription Glasses (+3)
UV-Transparent Self-Charging Lab Pipette Filler (+3)
Vacation Service (-2)
Vacuum Blender (+3)
Vacuum Cleaner Handle Trap (+1)
Vacuum-Insulated ovenware (+1, -1)
Vacuum-luggage (+11)
Variable Power Magnifying Glass (+3)
Variable Strength Electromagnetic Pickup (+2)
VIP Anti-Sniper Speed Bumps (+1)
Vision Angle Extending Glasses (+5)
Vostok Ice Mountain (+7)
Waltzing MaGrillDa (+11)
Water-Injected Machine Gun (+5, -1)
Water Jet Tank (+2)
Weight to Volume App (0)
Wheebly Bin (+12, -1)
Where's That Noise Coming From (+8)
Wire With Inspection Ports (+5)
Wood Stove Turbocharger (+7)
Yo-Yo Microfuge (+7)
Ziploc-style Squeezy Tubes (+9)

random, halfbakery