email can be constructed with my username as a prefix to the normal email domain from the very large search corporation.
[Oct 04 2004, last modified Aug 22 2021]
2 year calendar
-80C SSD Results Are In
AC/DC Hybrid Vacuum Cleaner
Active Drogue In-Flight Refuelling
Active Sneakers
AH-64 Apache Plane Kit
Air-Blade Tire Water Removal
Air Knife Tread Cleaner
Aircraft Training Simulator Network
All-Analogue Turntable
Animal Suffering Offset Service
Ascorbate Toothpaste
Astronaut Augmented Atrophy-Reduction Suit
Asymmetric Loo Roll Perforations
(+6, -1)
Attraction Free Tourist Attraction
Automated Mosquito-Larvae Bucket Apocalypse Device
Bagel Plates II
Bagpipe Mine
Ballistic Internet Interconnect
Bed Ventilation Chimney
Better Fluorescent Fish
Better Laptop Power Jack
(+6, -2)
Bi-Directional Ratchet Syringe
Bicycle Brake Lock
Bicycle Guard Goose
Bidirectional Salton Refill Canal
Bluetooth Earphone Charger
Boozehound's Secret Star
Brushless Electric-Wankel Hybrid Engine.
(+6, -1)
Car Door-Jamb Washer Fluid Refill Port
Cat-Damped Dead-Blow Hammer
Catalytic Scientific Water Supply
Cell Phone Charger Current Limiter
Cell Phone Sunglasses Sensing Screen Brightness
Chariot-Style Bus Racing
City Cooling Downdraft Towers
Civil Defense Bicycle Hub
Claymore Anti-Tamper Coffin
Cleaning Slippers
Clip-On Thermoelectric Shower Booster
Clipboard Preview Key Command
Close Lid To Flush
Clothes Shrinkage Database
Clothing Instructions
CO2 Pulse-Chase Experiment
Coaxial Updraft/Downdraft Solar Tower
Coffee Crusher
Combined Anti-Droop Anti-Roll Spring
Combined Solar Updraft Photovoltaic/Concentrating Thermosolar Plant
Combined Taser & AED
Compartment Innertubes
(+2, -1)
Compressed-Air Powered Dyson-Fan Leaf Blower
Condensing Pot Lid
Condensing Stove Hood
Constitutional Language Update
(+2, -6)
Consumer Electronics Lightning Strike Triangulation
Consumer-Linked Carbon Capture and Storage
Containerized Cruise Vacation
Corner Microwave
Corporate Advertising Dis-incentivization App/Browser Extension
Corrected Laser Sight
(+3, -1)
Cow-Milking Robot
Crowdsourced Medical Imaging Analysis
Crusher bin
(+3, -2)
Ctrl+F for images
Custard-Filled Child Trousers
(+11, -1)
Custard-filled Ninja-proof door handles
(+15, -3)
Custard Sculptures
(+1, -1)
Cyclonic Oven
D-Cell Remote Co
Dashboard Mounted Camshaft
Day-Night Illuminated 24hr Rotation Globe
De-Coffeeize the USA
(+3, -2)
Deliberately Capacitative Cable
Designate Wildfires As A Strategic Military Target
Differential input Tandem Bicycle
DNP Husky Home Heating
Door Opening Warning Light
Double Battery Cell Phone
(+4, -1)
Double Decker Bus Stops
Double Fan Turbofan Engine
Drone Firework Display
Dual Centrifugal Blower Drone
Dual-Clutch Transmission Mellotron
Eddy-Current Limited Slip Differential
Eddy Current Magnetic Door Closer
Ekranoplan Luggage
Electric JATO
Electric Steam Hybrid Jet
Electrical Wiring With Fluorescent Abrasion Indicator
Electrically Actuated Parallel Quarter Wheel
Electromagnetic Pole Correction
Elevated Gas Distribution
Energy-Saving Raised Intersection Approach Lanes
Enforced Progress Bar Linearity
Engineer Royal
English Electric Lightning II
Enhanced Light Public Park
Eutectic Cup
Eutectic Microsphere Engine Coolant
Eutectic Shower Booster
Eutectic water heater
Explosion Fest
Eye of the Tornado Gin
Fake Cracked Screen Protector
Fan-assisted driving pants
Fat Dialysis
Field Enhanced 3D Composite Printer
Flag Encoded Historical Record
Floating Football Stadium
(+16, -1)
Floating Lake
Flow-Through Freezer
Fluorescent Car Jack
(+7, -2)
Fluorescent Charger jack-socket system.
Fluorescent Planet
Fluorescent Reflector
Fluoro-Immune Mice
Flywheel Stabilized Cruise Ship
(+1, -1)
Folding Wheel Luggage
Food Allergy Challenge II
Football on Ice
(+11, -1)
Forward-Facing Cell-Phone Camera
(+1, -1)
Four Stroke Dryer
Fox Bacteria With Crappy DNA
France Bypass
French Wine Reparations
(+2, -1)
Freshwater Aquarium Nutrient Export Device
Frost Free Lab Freezer
FRP Credit Card
Fruit-fly DNA Tagged Bank Notes
Full Motion Car Simulator Training
Glass Cymbals
(+17, -1)
Global Lottery
Golf Racing
Google Maps Through Time
Great Barrier Reef Refugium
Green Light Countdown
(+4, -1)
Green Tail Lights
(+6, -1)
Greener Grass
Grinder-Proof Bike Lock
Ground-Source Thermosyphon Road Markers
Hearing Aid Battery Powered Watch
(+5, -1)
Heat Exchanger For (Ant)arctic Explorers
Heat Pump Powered Thermal Water Softener
Herb Gun
High-Altitude Thermosolar Aircraft
High Wing Loading Airliner
Human Jeanome Project
Human Sweat Electrolyte Powered Watch
(+5, -2)
Human Turbocharger
Hurricane Specific Wind Turbine
(+1, -2)
Husky Powered Aircraft
Hybrid Block Heater
Hybrid Metal bolts
Hydropneumatic LSD
Hyperbaric Departure Lounge
Ice Rink Global Cooling
Ice-Shelf Heat Pipe Power Generator
Inert-Gas Enhanced Vocal Recording Booth
Inertia-Reel Toilet Paper Holder
Inflatable Tank Track
Infra-red Camera microwave
Internalized Antibody-Caspase Conjugate Therapy
Intravenous H2O2 for Weight Loss
Intrinsically Unbalanced Brushless Motor
Inverse Atkinson Cycle Engine
(+4, -1)
Inverse Supercharged Two Stroke Dryer
Ionic lifter Space Elevator
Iron Lung-Helmet
Isotope Enhanced Shallow Frying Oil
Issued @ Birth Government Email Address
(+3, -5)
"It's not the heat it's the humidity" calibration towers
Japanese Ministry of Continued Weirdness
Keyboard Command Harmonizing Software
Kitchen Enzymes
(+1, -1)
Laptop Power Brick Plus
Laser Windscreen Wipers
Lawn Watering Bot
Learning GUI
(+6, -1)
Legally Enforceable Progress Bar Linearity
Length of day clock
Linked Double Door Handle
Low-Pressure Call Center
Magnetic Contact Lenses
(+4, -1)
Magnetic keys
Magnetically-Aligned Steel-Reinforced 3D printer
Manned Anti-Drone System
Massive Eutectic Ice Cube Tray
Mechanically Actuated Series Quarter Wheel
Medical Tourism Cruise Ship
Mercurial Balance Enhancement
(+4, -2)
Metabolic Superhuman
(+3, -1)
Metabolism Concentrated Hydrogen Isotope Chemi-Radiotherapy
Metallic Mercury Ice Cube Tray
Microwave Pot Lid
Microwave With Dishwasher-Safe Removable Interior Panels
Mitochondrial Gene Therapy Via Nested Viral Vectors
Modular Passenger Aircraft
(+13, -1)
Monkey Computer
(+9, -1)
Moon-Based Optical Backup of Civilization Critical Data
Moon Improvement Program
Multi-brick brick
Multiair Part Time Two Stroke
Nail-Tipped Screw
(+3, -1)
Nested Gas Storage Vessel
(+12, -1)
Non-Obnoxious Microwave
Nuclear-Bungee Spaceship
(+3, -9)
Nuclear-Fluorescent Quantum-Dot Beacon
Nuclear Generation Gravity Storage Hybrid
Nuclear-Powered Aga
(+8, -1)
Ocean-Going Plastic Powered Bussard Ram-Ship
Oceanic Trench Garbage Compactor.
One Foot Scales
Open Printer Project
Orbital Gravitational Wave Observatory
Painfully Bright Tanning Bed
Parallel Action Door Handle
Particle Counting Vacuum Cleaner
Peltier Crock Pot
Pendulum Bridge2
Persistence Of Vision Propeller HUD
Personal Cup Holder
Phase-Change Tableware
Piezoelectric Rock Chisel
Port Illumination Button
(+3, -1)
Portable Spot-Treatment Washing Machine
Post-Turbo Oxygen Concentrator Race Engine
Pot/Pan Lid Cosy
Power Station With Alcohol Second Stage
Pre-Worn Keypad Lock
Privacy Through Noise Phone App
Progressive Torsion Bar
Project Orion-cycle
Pulse Jet Leaf Blower
Pump-Action Salt-Gun
Pykrete Bering Strait Bridge
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Phone Charger
Randomized Water-Ice Sculpture
Rangefinder-Adjusted Electric Crossbow
Real-Feel Flight Simulator
Recirculating Ball Central Heating
Remote Control Taxi
Replace Mouse/Rat Scientific Model Animal
(+5, -1)
Replace Oxygen Masks With Drop-Down Smoke Hoods
Rewrite the Declaration of Human Rights
(+2, -2)
Road Barrier Wind Guide Vanes
Road-clearing Air Knife
(+2, -1)
Rocker-Bogie Inline Tricycle
Safe, UV sterilized lift buttons.
Saturation Submarine
Scanning Magnetron Microwave
Scanning Mail Box
Science Ship
Scratch-proof rim for CDs
(+6, -2)
Second Letter Dictionary
Self-Decoupling Dual Mass Flywheel
Self-Inflating Bicycle Tube
Semi-Disposable Package Heater
Sequester CO2 in flooded alkali salt flats
(+3, -2)
Sharkskin Earphones
(+4, -1)
Sheet Protector Luge.
Shower Sprinkler
Silicon Purgatory
(+3, -1)
Simplified Brexit Solution
Simplified Nuclear Submarine
Single Battlefield Fuel
Single Bladed Propeller Drone
Single Tank Track Electric Scooter
Slightly different better laptop power jack
(+4, -1)
Smartphone Stun Gun
Snow Hole
Snowmobile Skis
Socially Acceptable Door Holding Line
Solar Powered Remote
Solid Fuel Lighter III
Solid Fuel Lighter VIII
Spinning Lens Glasses
State Franchises
(+3, -1)
Steam-Age Kettle
Sticky Tea Bag Tab
Stinky-Dye Bike Lock
Stowable Pick-Up Truck Bed Cover
Streaming Service Integrator
Street-to-Mountain Tyre conversion
Stride Extending Power Shoes
Sturmey Archer 3-speed Epicyclic Prayer Wheel
Sturmey Archer Epicyclic 3 Speed Hand Drill
Subsidized GPS/Accelerometer Box for Motorcycles
Super Fast Kettle
Superresolution Total Internal Reflection 3D Printer
Sweating Jacket
Swept Boundary Layer Heatsink
Switchable Magnetic Grabber
Take Off Clearance Switch
Teenage Surgical Training
Temperature Compensating Micrometer
Tesla Valved Pulse Jet Leaf Blower
Thermal CycleEr
Thermal Isolation Head Gasket
Thermally Pumped Electric Ducted Fan Aircraft
Thermite Toaster
Thermoelectric Aircraft Control Surfaces
(+5, -2)
Thermoelectric Freezer Alarm
Thermorheological Dampers
Thermosiphon Central Heating
Through-Sleeve Essential Equipment Leash
TIRF Laser Drill/Cutter
Toast Planner
Toilet Aspirator
Toilet Cistern Heatsink
Toilet Fan
Torque Converter Driven Turntable
Transformer Side Table
Tri-axis Flywheel Stabilized Mug
Tuneable Naval Guns
Tuned Mass Damper Beads
Turbofan car
(+4, -2)
TV Ad-Be-Gone
Two Door Knobs 2
Ultimate Megayacht
Ultrasonic Air Horn
Uncoupler-Boosted Sewage Digester
UPS Freezer
Upward-Facing Toilet Paper Dispenser
Urinal Spectrophotometer
UV Fruit/Vegetable Storage Box
UV-Resin Self Adjusted Prescription Glasses
UV-Transparent Self-Charging Lab Pipette Filler
Vacation Service
Vacuum Blender
Vacuum Cleaner Handle Trap
Vacuum-Insulated ovenware
(+1, -1)
Variable Power Magnifying Glass
Variable Strength Electromagnetic Pickup
VIP Anti-Sniper Speed Bumps
Vision Angle Extending Glasses
Vostok Ice Mountain
Waltzing MaGrillDa
Water-Injected Machine Gun
(+5, -1)
Water Jet Tank
Weight to Volume App
Wheebly Bin
(+12, -1)
Where's That Noise Coming From
Wire With Inspection Ports
Wood Stove Turbocharger
Yo-Yo Microfuge
Ziploc-style Squeezy Tubes