The 'NPKS' system is familiar to everybody who has seen a bag of fertilizer: it's an assay of the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and (in Australia) sulphur in the product.
Foodstuffs, in stores and restaurants, should also be thusly labelled, according to the percentages of:
- sugar - grease - salt - addictive substances.
This would allow chefs to tweak their recipes towards their clients, gourmands to shop for new items within their own gustatory comfort zone, and provide a new tool for dieticians.-- FlyingToaster, Nov 18 2011 NHS info on UK food labelling [pocmloc, Nov 18 2011] Thanks poc, we have that here too. I'm was after a bit more tongue-in-cheek labelling of junkfoodstuffs in the same way they do fertilizer.-- FlyingToaster, Nov 18 2011 They do *tongue-in-cheek* labelling with fertilizer?-- xandram, Nov 18 2011 I thought the traffic lights system (described further down that NHS link) _was_ tongue in cheek. It certainly looks it!-- pocmloc, Nov 18 2011 I've also given some (less tongue in cheek) thought to the nutritional equivalent of NPK. The nutritional Big 3 could be carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Some would consider P, Ca, K, and (possibly) Na to be the important elemental macro-nutrients.-- spidermother, Nov 18 2011 We will stick with the Pratchett Diet, which refers to "the four food groups: sugar, starch, grease and burnt crunchy bits."-- 8th of 7, Nov 18 2011 random, halfbakery