First a moment of serious:
There are all sorts of writings about how words effect
thought spaces, and how directing a narrative can
systematically produce a preferred outcome. the phrase
"manufacturing consent" come to mind.
While being completely honest, weather talk could have a
towards positive associations that made weather talk
even more of a social benefit than it already is.
Some examples of upside loaded weather talk:
A month of dawn (March)
Bask Bask (sort of like babytalk version of Its sunny and
warm. I know a couple people who like each other a lot,
and babytalk about the weather would go well with their
People could greet each other with "Sunny Day (name)!"
when the weather is in fact sunny.
I read a Dale Carnegie
book, that mentioned most people really like hearing their
own name, so that ups the benefit of the weather talk to
sometimes include the other persons name as a meme form
"It's bring your girlfriend weather" I have no idea what this
one means, but it sounds auspicious.
"tell the Tesla to tour the sunbreaks" (partly sunny)
We got swimmers high! (so rained on you cease feeling the
looks like a sidewalk cleaner this afternoon
The air is chilled fruit
Quick! drive under a tree (the weather does not effect us)