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underwater nascar

Race waterproof cars underwater
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Nascar is the fastest growing sport in the United States. Its fans love the crashes, but everyone laments any deaths resulting from in fiery explosions.

A possible solution to this problem is to race cars underwater. I want to build waterproof cars that could drive on the bottom of the ocean. I expect my sport to have all the popularity of Nascar, and while safety would increase there would be many added benifits.

Primarily, the number of spectators who could watch a live event would increase substantially, because fans could observe from increased perspectives by floating above the track with scuba gear or even snorkels.

Additionally, the inital cost of building gigantic racetracks and stadiums could be avoided and used instead for the design of new technologies for faster underwater cars.

I cannot think of a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon then watching underwater cars race.

funboy, Dec 20 2002

Swim Wear for Underwater Nascar Buffs http://www.noodlebu.../diving.htm#divedog
With entire credit due to IVnick8tor from his "Mutt Diving" link to Dog Diving. [jurist, Oct 04 2004]

RACING http://people.corne...29/flash/insane.swf
How Amos spends his Saturday afternoons. [Amos Kito, Oct 04 2004]


       I think video of this would be hard to distinguish from a photo.
bristolz, Dec 20 2002

       So, these would be submarine races then?
half, Dec 20 2002

       //I cannot think of a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon then watching underwater cars race.//   

       That is incredibly sad.
Marassa, Dec 20 2002

       The bottom of the sea is a pretty bumpy place, by and large. And where it's not, the dust and muck churned up by the cars would obscure the race from the bystanders. (Or are we building underwater race tracks as well?)
DrCurry, Dec 20 2002

       //Nascar is the fastest growing sport in the United States.//   

       No, Nascar is the fastest _burning_ sport in the United States. You are right about lamenting the deaths, but despite this, everyone loves the fireballs themselves.   

       //I cannot think of a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon then watching underwater cars race.//   

       Except being an underwater car racer, of course.
Or basking in the glory of fine art at your local gallery.
Or perusing the voting record of your senator.
Or taking a nap.
I have to say, I'm with Marassa on this one. That said, underwater racing could be quite entertaining, if only for the ever-present risk of whale-led track invasions, so a C for you.

       If flammability is the problem, then instead of displacing the stadium, spectators, and racers to the ocean depths, why not simply (!) erect a big ol' bubble over the existing circuit, and evacuate it (evacuate as in remove all the air, not as in get everyone to leave in a calm and orderly manner)? The absence of wind resistance would add an exciting new element to the sport, methinks.
friendlyfire, Dec 20 2002

       Even though I find Nascar in its current form rather easy to ignore, and on some issues actually indictable, I think the idea of having a Goodyear Blimp's eyeview of an underwater race with snorkel, swim mask, and (presumable) ear plugs a great improvement on the present arrangement. I get a small chuckle out of imagining great pods of wet-suit clad fans floating in crystal clear waters, clearing their snorkels in unison, performing "The Wave" in ever-shifting formations above the race course.

I'm wondering if we'll have problems with beached spectators if the Navy happens to use its Sonar in the vicinity. And since only the clearest and warmest waters will satisfy the spectators, what kind of damage do you think these craft will do to the natural ecosystems most likely in place. I don't see the Australian government opening up any section of the Great Barrier Reef for this kind of activity; nor the Society Islands; nor Hawaii; Nor Florida; nor the Seychelles.

But I do, most of all, [funboy] applaud your entrepreneurial attempt to engender and dominate a new segment of the swimwear market.
jurist, Dec 21 2002

       Has everyone forgotten that cars need vast quantities of air to run the engine? Small point, I know, but important.
egbert, Dec 22 2002

       Realy, realy, realy long snorkles?   

jurist, Dec 22 2002

       realy is for realystate
bristolz, Dec 22 2002

       Anything underwater is cool ;o)
waxingpoetic, Dec 23 2002

       Snorkles? I thought of that before posting the anno, but thought " no, that won't do, they'd cut the spectators to shreds" so went ahead and posted.   

       On second thoughts that's probably no more dangerous than being a spectator at a Lombard-RAC rally.
egbert, Dec 23 2002

       In a above-ground accident, crash crews are able to get there within seconds of the accident.   

       In a underwater accident, the crash teams would take two minutes or more to get there -- time for the potentially unconcious driver to drown, or suffocate, or bleed further...   

Almafeta, May 30 2003

       Yah...crash crew and what about the pit crew. and how are you going to celebrate after you win- everone's already wet. oh, ya the whales may not be so bad but, what about the sharks, just becouse your underwater doesn't mean people won't get hurt , rub your nose the wrong way and the race will be canceled on account of an early dinner bell.
rayraycrs, Jun 02 2003

       ho about just moving everything into spave--then we wouldn't have to worry about all that pesky fire-inducing oxygen at all. Breathing might be a problem though. + for thisidea though, made me think of The Little Mermaid or Finding Nemo
benlevi7, Sep 10 2003

       Reminds me of the old joke: Q. what do you call 1000 lawers at the bottom of the ocean? A. A good start.   

       Same here.
oxen crossing, Sep 10 2003


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