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spectacles which tell the time
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Wrist watches are better than pocket watches for quickly checking the time, but they are not so good in certain situations, when both hands are occupied, for example rushing along to catch a train carrying two heavy suitcases, or manipulating complex devices such as aeroplane controls or a frying pan plus spatula.

I propose that the hour hand and minute hand be incorporated into the left and right frame of a pair of spectacles. In a round-lens design, the "hands" would be brightly coloured marks on a rotating ring; for other shapes, a flexible rubber band similarly marked could follow the shape of the frame.

Each ring is driven by a watch mechanism concealed in the arms of the glasses.

The user would alwasy be able to see the time, in their peripheral vision.

The second "hand" could be a different colour marking on a second ring concentric with the hour ring.

Rimless versions might be invented that project a laser spot from the glasses arm onto the edge of the lens. These would be heavier and a lot more expensive.

pocmloc, Oct 04 2009

Analog version is cooler, but... http://books.google...son%20clock&f=false
...digitally pre-heated - [normzone, Dec 11 2012]


       I'd buy it. I thought of something similar a long time ago, and I don't know why I didn't pursue it. I always lose my glasses, but never my watch. Perhaps the added function would remind me to not be so absent minded. (all the time.)
blissmiss, Oct 04 2009

       We like this. [+]
8th of 7, Oct 04 2009

       Surely [eighth] with your hive mind, and bionic implants you must always be aware of the time somehow? I mean at the very least one of you must be near a clock right?
kaz, Oct 04 2009

       Yes, we are sufficently served in this area. But we cosider that this would be a suitable device for convincing reluctant humans of the probable benefits of Assimilation ....
8th of 7, Oct 04 2009

       I like the basic concept of this, though I think I'd prefer a digital display in the lower corner of the lens.   

       You could use this basic concept and adapt it to a tactile interface that takes the form of two circular objects which indicate the time by moving pressure points that correspond to hour and minute hands. Perhaps built into a set of headphones, or bracelets or maybe leg garters. Even hi-top sneakers -- pressure points on outside of each ankle means it's 9:15.
tatterdemalion, Oct 04 2009

       Y-Fronts ?
8th of 7, Oct 04 2009

       You're thinking of cuckoo clocks.
pertinax, Oct 05 2009

       This would be great in the back of the ambulance. It is hard to count respiratory rate glancing back and forth between the patients chest and the clock/a watch.   


       [21 Quest], A couple of fight-or-flight situations or perhaps a psychology course or two would impress upon you, the brain's ability to block out superfluous information. I know you airforce guys don't see real combat, but one would think you would have taken a few core college courses somewhere along the way.
MikeD, Oct 05 2009

       Another thought: it would also be great in boring meetings, or dull social situations, when it is not socially acceptable to be seen checking your watch.
pocmloc, Oct 05 2009

       Brings new meaning to "clock watcher" employees.
MikeD, Oct 05 2009

       Sounds cool. But I've always wodered whether this kind of screen on glasses, like in the Mission impossible, are out of the eyes' focus. Try putting your finger in that position; can you see your fingerprint clearly?
nic, Oct 05 2009

       But how would anyone focus on anything that close? I can see the rims of my glasses, and they're just a vague blur.
hippo, Oct 06 2009

       //unconscious waking shift of attention and losing hold of constructions you can only just describe but not remember//   

       This reminded me of 2nd form history lessons. If Mr Hall is still alive I'm sure he could advise you further.   

       + for the idea. //artworks that "suggested things" by being out of focus// might be useful here. 2 rotating lenses: left for hour hand, right for minute, each rotating at their respective rates and each having one small peripheral portion that's out of focus. Could just be a small mark I suppose. You'd need to be able to wink with both eyes though.
shudderprose, Oct 06 2009

       instead of laser-projecting the clock on the glasses, have the glasses use the laser to project a clock on whatever is in front of them, so no matter where you look, you always know what time it is.
CaptainClapper, Oct 06 2009

       so not time travel glasses then? sigh
dentworth, Oct 06 2009

       The original idea suggested //brightly coloured marks// specifically to allow them to be seen without needing to focus.   

       I like [CaptainClapper]'s laser projection idea - a bit less discrete though. Also inconvenient for gazing romantically into someones eyes, or a mirror if narcissistic.
pocmloc, Oct 06 2009

       Perhaps simpler would be a full ring of LED lights (or LCD dots), one around each lens. In each ring, one light would be on (or one dot dark).   

       The LED that's turned on, in the ring around the left lens, would represent the hour hand, and the LED that's on in the ring around the right lens would represent the minute hand.   

       The rimless version could simply use transparent electrical conductors to bring power to the LEDs.
goldbb, Oct 06 2009

       LEDs would indeed be cool, though could be too bright during the evening and hard to see during the day, unless they were wired up to a light sensor.   

       However I was thinking of mechanical, spring-driven. Perhaps the winding could be automated through a ratchet connected to the arm hinges, so each time you folded or unfolded the specs, the spring would be wound a little?
pocmloc, Oct 07 2009

       I just had this idea.... years late of course... but my idea was to build an LED display to the frame... this would project downward to a transparent plane mounted at 45 degrees in the lens. For extra credit the LEDs are UV and are projecting onto a fluorophore-laced plane. That way it doesn't have to be reflective. Or you could pull some tricks with refractive indices or some such.   

       The net result being that you could glance to the upper periphery of your glasses to check the time.
bs0u0155, Dec 11 2012


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