Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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sonic dog cannon

sonic weapon for jack russels
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Anyone who drives around with Jack Russels in their car knows they get agressive and barky when they see another dog outside. So equip your vehicle with a WW2 style bomber gun turret, but with loudhailers instead of guns. A simple nose activated switch to aim the turret to where the dogs looking. German Shepherd at 3o'clock...BARK!BARK!BARK!BARK! Dog bolled over, leaves blown from trees,windows blown out. For more terriers add a rows of loudhailer gunports to the sides of a van like an old man o'war. Pull up alongside and give the offending dog/cat a broadside.
BleepnBooster, Jan 30 2002


       Where is Susen when you need her?
thumbwax, Jan 30 2002

       so sad - pouts....
po, Jan 30 2002

       I'll see your Sonic Dog Cannon and raise you two Bass Seeking Missiles.
phoenix, Jan 30 2002

       You and GeorgeTheRobin would get along quite nicely...
Galileo, Jan 30 2002

       Sorry? Why? To save the dogs the effort of barking themselves?
pottedstu, Jan 31 2002

       I thought this was the name of a punk rock band...
mcscotland, Jan 31 2002

       Alternatively, give the JR's contact lenses so that they see other (much bigger) dogs for the size they are. All JR's have distorting eyesight which means they see slavering Dobermans as mouse-sized vermin to be consumed in one gulp.   

       Been there, done that, worn the earplugs ...
8th of 7, Jun 13 2002


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