Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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public beautiful human figure art file sharing statues

People make statues that have words or state that they like sharing files Then people direct their handyphone or tablet pc towards the statue to share a file the files The appearence of the statue possibly gradually accumulates files of a particular character, it also says freedom of speech art has meaning as well as direct function
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Public beautiful human figure art file sharing statue people make statues that have words or state that they like sharing files people then direct their handyphone or tablet pc towards the statue to share a file the files are immediately public the person has the voluntary option of receiving a high quality file with a popular file as well as a less observed file.

All files would immediately be uploaded to a multitude of countries including non extradition countries, A system I read about proliferates files if it notices that distributed versions are deleted, that way the shared files proliferate globally if they are locally deleted.

As art the kind of files that accumulate at different kinds of beautiful figures suggest as well as elaborate cultural meaning, The statues also have a basic freedom of speech message as well as utility to cultures

wikileaks statue of truth? Right at the center of town, or at states that emphasize their improvability, near the restroom.

beanangel, May 07 2013

Elwing figurine is pretty http://www.estarlan...iningwindelwing.jpg
or just image search elwing figurine [beanangel, May 07 2013]

a pretty girl figurine http://livedoor.blo.../4/0/40e000b4-s.jpg
[beanangel, May 07 2013]

Beautiful Nude http://maro32.blog..../blog-entry-56.html
[beanangel, May 07 2013]

J-lass trying the figurine/anime character route http://kotaku.com/w...c-surgery-493262883
[not_morrison_rm, May 08 2013]

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       Its the attractive pretty girl approach to   

       Congress shall refrain from making laws abridging freedom of speech.   

       to preserve online communications rights
beanangel, May 07 2013

       on the subject of file sharing, I'm guessing that in one suspect ebook version of "The Robots of Dawn" I can't really see Asimov writing on page 141 "Come. Please take your scat."
not_morrison_rm, May 07 2013

       I thought I like this idea until I looked at the link...but I will bun for Freedom of Speech.
xandram, May 07 2013

       you mean like the giant green chick with the flashlight ?   

       obviously you don't mean the one with the girl playing pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey deciding where to stick the weight scales she's holding.   

       I'm sure there's probably a Christian saint which overall mantra could be tweaked into "patron saint of people giving away other people's stuff".
FlyingToaster, May 07 2013

       Sometimes I think of [beany]'s work as a psychotically beautiful new kind of poem.
Alterother, May 07 2013

       Hmmm. Long description in place of title - check. Copy-and-paste first paragraph as the 'summary' - check. Use of unconventional terms for familiar objects - check. Images of incompletely clad women - check.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 07 2013

       Does anyone know the description of the software that proliferates files if it notices that distributed versions are deleted, that way the shared files proliferate globally if they are locally deleted
beanangel, May 08 2013

       Removing my bun after looking at the next 2 links. (plastic figurines are hardly beautiful.)
xandram, May 08 2013

       Agreed (though I gave no bun to rescind); a few figurines of that type are quite beautiful, but them two ain't.
Alterother, May 08 2013

       Well, if you like the file sharing beautiful figure part, you could link to human figures you think are beautiful to support the entirity of the concept. I think the anime girls are more beautiful than what appears when typing "most beautiful classical human figure statue" at a google image search   

       wander around online, seek beauty!
beanangel, May 08 2013

       Hmm, those figurines are pure Akihabara, with a touch of ecchi, if I remember the nomenclature rightly. Alternatively, if you want the live action ver, one J-lass got herself worked over to look that way, about 60 grand (GBP).
not_morrison_rm, May 08 2013

       How can Rupert Bear trousers possible fail?
not_morrison_rm, May 08 2013


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