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phytonutrient forage prevents cancer

Lots of plants have been published as having cancer preventing phytonutrients, emphasize, or create forage full of phytonutrients then verify this reduces cancer
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Lots of plants are published as reducing cancer. Flaxseed as well as tea leaves are some. What happens to people that eat animals that eat phytonutrient forage? Possibly they are at reduced risk of cancer.

So, screen grasses to find those with phytonutrients that reduce cancer at mice, then breed these with popular forage plants to create cancer reducing forage.

Also, there is the possibility that something cheap, that is already well known, like flax stalks could have lignans that reduce cancer, so just an adjustment of the kind of existing forage could also have a beneficial effect. Things are already advertised, presumably to profitability, as "grass fed." This just improves the grass.

beanangel, Oct 21 2016


       In the news today: scientists have finally discovered a substance that doesn't give you cancer.
Wrongfellow, Oct 22 2016

       Are you really going to sit there and tell me that a few milligrams of anthocyanins in that mountain of blueberries are going to scavenge anything more than an insignificant sliver of the total number of radicals produced by all 75 kg of me? And then you want to dilute that effect even further by who-knows-how-many orders of magnitude via a bovine intermediate? Come on, bean man. Why not just put it the miracle compound into a pill?   

       Besides, I think it's the medicinal effect of the plant that does it, not any radical-scavenging ability that the compound has. Some compound in the plant upregulates expression of your DNA repair enzymes.   

       I also think it's the radioactive potassium that shreds your DNA. Lower your banana consumption. Diet pop, too; that stuff's loaded with Ace-K.
Cuit_au_Four, Oct 24 2016

       [CaF] here is another idea that kinds of brings this idea to "hey its worth a try" status. If you feed flatworms to to other flatworms, they apparently remember what the other flatworms knew (mazes), similarly eating cartilage improves flexibility, so the idea that that the *previously known* things at the plants are the only things that could prevent cancer is iffy.   

       What if various, unstudied, biochemicals at the unusually well animals cause unusual wellness at humans? it is about half scientific about half unscientific, yet can be supported with numerous things, so the idea does "crummify" to "are there any wellness proteins, or other materials" at creatures that could make humans weller. Possibly. Also a diet high in Se, or just possibly sulphofuranes (mustard greens) would actually bioconcentrate, possibly causing greater wellness (Se is published as reducing cancer).
beanangel, Oct 24 2016

       Okay, so the theory is that these phytocompounds, when fed to the animal, may be in some way transmogrified into a more potent form?   

       // would actually bioconcentrate   

       I would think that the vast majority of these small molecules would be oxidized and modified so that they could be excreted.   

       It seems like a million monkeys approach to drug discovery, but without an efficient way to screen whatever chemical you're looking for.
Cuit_au_Four, Oct 24 2016

       One overly optimistic approach, is if I can easily name three wellness chemicals that bioconcentrate there could be hundreds more. they could just do the feeding test to find out if it works.   

       If you want to make it sound logical, just compare the number of wellness chemicals I can name then divide this with the number I can name to come up with a coefficient of plausibility. so if I can name 30 wellness compounds, and three that bioconcentrate then that is 10% plausibility (mmmm hmmmm....) so far it is Se, Omega-3 lipids, and, arguably, phytoestrogens.
beanangel, Oct 25 2016


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