Edited and Clarified
Hello and thank you for calling IMPOSSIBLE AIR. For your
information bla bla bla bla. For this department press 1,
you are dealing with that dial 2. Welcome to the bla bla
office. Please note, for technical service hang up and
dial 987654321. For this and that
dial 6. You have reached
wrong office. We are closed now. Please call a different
number at some other time. Thank you for your patience.
Just to get to my Israeli income tax office in
town I have to pass 7 different messages, which if you don't
wait and listen to, will send you to the wrong place. Then at
least another 5 menus with a different standard (the first
have "hit 9 to repeat hit pound for ok" the last have "hit
pound to repeat, hit star for ok")
Office call navigator app (and website) to the rescue!
Search in the Office Call Navigator app for IMPOSSIBLE AIR
PHONE or search it on google.
YOu get several sections: TICKET PURCHASE, FLIGHT
The website shows you the phone sequence you need to dial
to get to the department you desire, and also shows you the
full layout of all the options in a collapsible form, with the
ability to hear and navigate the actual tree.
Our social app and website let people share info about
offices, hospitals, universities and utilities that have a
complicated phone answering service and assist our staff in
entering the tree and its recordings.
to put in new offices and changes in navigation options, and
if there is a
shortcut and direct number you'll find it by us.
Of course on Google the result will show up right away (for
major sections of the ivr) along with a link to our website
for planning the
call and automatically getting you through.
So, to solve this frustrating waste of time, we (the almost
inventors on the Halfbakery website) hereby propose to
and discuss a social media app