Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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nuclear oven

uses small nuclear reactor to heat food
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I assume that you all know how a nuclear reactor works. In the oven idea, instead of steam spinning a turbine, it flows around an open topped box which food may be placed in, and viola a nuclear oven! This is primarily a waste of money with no practical purpose, but could be modified to power the whole house. And as for the issue of radiation poisoning, a strange melted lead sheild could be formed inside of a steel case to hold it together and away from the food.

more uses: power source for whole house, use to power spinning and heating appliances (iron, blender, water heater ect.) impress neighbors, use cobalt control rods to irradiate food (see link to radioactive refridgerator) a dryer, and so forth.

sergeant dukie, Nov 26 2002

Another dangerous home appliance http://www.halfbake...rradiation_20Fridge
[krelnik, Oct 17 2004]

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       'Sergeant nukie' sounds more aproppriate for the occasion,and no radiation poisoning ?..just lead poisoning.   

       A mushroom cloud of fishbones.
skinflaps, Nov 26 2002

       the lead would not be in contact w/ food, "steel case"
sergeant dukie, Nov 26 2002

       Thank you for correcting!   

       As pedantic and picky as it seems, most halfbakery denizens DO care about spelling. Proper spelling makes the idea easier to read and understand and, further, shows that the author cares somewhat for the readers.   

       (if you want to, you can delete your earlier response to me as I have deleted the annotation you're replying to. Thanks)
bristolz, Nov 26 2002

       All-right......I'll edit for you. ohhh wow, now i see........my computer does that some times...leaves out letter and that sort of thing.... i should re-boot, that usually fixes it, back soon. sorry about that.
sergeant dukie, Nov 26 2002

       Not so silly. Get a large drum of sealed high-level nuclear waste. This stuff does not give out enough heat per unit volume to be economic in a powerstation, but it does put out enough to need cooling. Stick it in an insulated surround like an Aga or a Raeburn, then it will get hot enough to cook with, easy. Because there is no need to provide air like a wood, oil, or gas powered stove, the insulation can be really thorough.
Richard K, Nov 27 2002

       // Now you want these same dimwits to have nuclear material in their home //   

       Yes. Definitely. Darwin award time .......
8th of 7, Nov 27 2002

       <Obligatory Dead Kennedys Post>Die on organic poison gas - Serpents eggs already hatched</Obligatory Dead Kennedys Post>
thumbwax, Nov 27 2002

       The steam normally used to turn turbines in a nuclear power plant isn't radioactive at all; heat has been exchanged several times, and that particular water hasn't been into the actual reactor.   

       But this is still super lame. It's just inappropriate use of industrial technology. Sure, use a nuclear power plant to cook your food. Use Hoover Dam to wash your vegetables. Use a paper mill to feed your printer. Is this funny?
egnor, Nov 27 2002

       Not according to the popular vote.
DrCurry, Nov 27 2002

       // Use a paper mill to feed your printer //   

       Yes, our accounts department seems to have bought that model too .........
8th of 7, Nov 27 2002

       //same dimwits to have nuclear material in their home //
//Yes. Definitely. Darwin award time ...//
8th, weren't you the guy who proposed a refrigerator that had nuclear material in it? How was that less ill-advised than this?
krelnik, Nov 27 2002

       My application was for food safety, and didn't involve any significant amount of heat. Also, it had a mandatory once-a-year maintainance and inspection by a qualified engineer.   

       It is perfectly possible to keep useful quantities of nuclear material (e.g. gamma ray sources for fluoroscopy) in the home quite safely as long as proper precautions are observed.
8th of 7, Nov 27 2002

       I think a cooking maser tuned to heat up water molecules would be the ideal cooking appliance -- most of energy would go into heating the food, so it would be quick and efficient. The downside, of course, is exploding potatoes and oatmeal lava :)
mrouse, Nov 27 2002

       Or giant mushrooms.
skinflaps, Nov 27 2002


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