Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Webcams in hotels
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What about having webcams in hotels (though controlled by the customer and accepted) to show snapshots on the Web for potential clients. Or it could be static pictures on the reservation site allowing people to choose among different rooms, views, etc.
Baker_no_1, May 30 2003

hotel camera http://www.hotel-on...2_HiddenCamera.html
who wants to be a millionaire?! [mr2560, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

Hotel Le Dixseptieme http://www.ledixseptieme.be/main.html
Goto Rooms for //static pictures... different rooms//! [gnomethang, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]


       //Or it could be static pictures on the reservation site allowing people to choose among different rooms, views, etc.//   

       Is this not totally baked? (see link)   

       btw we stayed in the Memling and this is a fantastic little hotel just off the Grand Place.
gnomethang, May 30 2003

       Most hotels have only 4 to 6 unique room layouts. You could easily take a picture out of one hotel room window in the preferred direction (there's usually only one). The in-room shots have been baked for years, in print and on the web.   

       Welcome, Number One. (said in his best Jean-Luc Picard imitation) Your profile kinda creeps me out, though.   

       Please choose a category for this idea. I would suggest public:architecture:feature.
Cedar Park, May 30 2003


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