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financial incentive to stop smoking

stop smoking through financial incentiveisationary means
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Apparently the addiction disappears after two to four weeks.

Say four to be on the safe side.

Your age, underlying health etc. are used to get an average life expectancy.

Your burn rate on tobacco products is multiplied by your predicted life expectancy to give a financial figure e.g for 10 a day, £2k per year, for 40 years, gives £80k.

The resulting amount (in my example £80k) is drawn down as an interest free loan and placed in trust for you. Divide by four weeks (28 days) and you get a daily bank transfer of that amount (in my example £2,800) into your current account.

If you smoke at all during that 4 week period then the bank transfers stop and the interest free loan is converted to a commercial loan at standard interest rates.

If you manage the four weeks cold turkey you are presumed cured and you repay the loan interest free at a rate that suits you, ideally over the rest of your life at the same rate you are saving by not buying tobacco products.

I guess the rules and safeguards need worked out

pocmloc, Aug 25 2024

Smoking is good for you. Follow the science. https://www.cbsnews...-endorsing-tobacco/
Did you know it aids digestion? Leading nose and throat drs suggest Philip Morris etc etc. Doctors don't lie. [doctorremulac3, Aug 25 2024]

Funny scene. https://www.google....d:485Em2JF34M,st:43
[doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024]


       What about giving Social Security income bonuses to smokers?   

       Solve the SS insolvency problem and you'd have lots of people looking real cool like James Bond or the Marlboro Man.   

       Still have no smoking ads like "Remember kids, don't smoke! Unless you want to look really cool!"
doctorremulac3, Aug 25 2024

       Frame Challenge: Smoking makes a good proxy for radiation damage > we (should) want to colonise space (just because OK, don't ask awkward questions like why ;p) > any genetic and biological tricks an organism might develop to prevent or repair this kind of damage can be expected to also be helpful against exposure to solar radiation that might be experienced due to inadequate shielding > > So .. rather than encouraging people not to smoke we should be encouraging kids to take up smoking as early as possible (and ban the sale of sunblock while promoting sunbathing and sunbeds as 'cool', we should start using CFCs' in our aerosols again too, get that hole in the ozone back!), what we want here is exposure at young pre-reproductive ages, those that survive longer will reproduce more and any helpful mutations will spread faster that way .. that's how we breed our new space humans.
Skewed, Aug 25 2024

       Hey, smoking's good for you. Follow the science. (link)
doctorremulac3, Aug 25 2024

       "More doctors smoked Camels.."   

       Honestly, I don't believe it, you ever tasted Camels?   

       The cigarette not the animal, you should never lick a camel, they don't like it and tend to get snarky, some of them will even bite.   

       They taste awful and they're rough as hell, if someone had told me they used a pinch of real Camel dung in each one & that was why they were called Camels I'd actually have given it some serious consideration as having some potential truth.   

       The only other cigarettes I've smoked that came close were Rothmans, pretty rough but didn't taste as bad as Camels.   

       The idea that anyone would willingly smoke those if they could get their hands on anything else? it doesn't wash, how did no one call trading standards on them for that one?
Skewed, Aug 25 2024

       [a1], that is what I refer to as an "Olga Diaz moment". She was a city council member here in Escondido, who often asked "Where is the money going to come from", and the answer always was a tumbleweed blowing past, followed by the sound of crickets.   

       Socially progressive, fiscally conservative, small business owner, hot mom married to a top cop. She is a very nice person also.   

       My flashback is over, thank you for your time.
normzone, Aug 26 2024

       If the fact that smokes now cost more than a dollar per cigarette here isn't fiscal deterrent enough then I don't know what is.   

       My own story;
I was exposing gas lines in Canada's north by shovel, (can't use machinery once down to certain depth) and in my teens. I didn't smoke, so the crew I was with determined that I didn't get smoke breaks with the rest of them. So I said fuck you, give me one lit up.

       Thirty some odd years later I still smoke about a pack every three days or so.
Same as I did then.
At the age of 46 my wife made me take my first medical exam since childhood. The doctor called me up days after for a follow up. I figuratively shit my pants. I don't want to know. I just want to fall off a roof or have my tractor crush me or... anything other than knowing how I will die.

       He reassures me that he only called me because I've never had a physical and says;
"Here's your chart, your height, your age and your weight. All of your numbers are dead centre of every bracket and I'd just like to know what you've been doing to stay so healthy."

       I said, "Fuck off... really."   

       And he said yes, really.   

       I told him, "You're not going to like the answer, but okay, I smoke a pack of cigarettes every three days or so, I drink WAY more beer than they say is good for you, I'm totally addicted to fried egg and grilled-cheese sandwiches...
...and I avoid doctors like the plague."

       He said, "I don't normally recommend this but... you should probably keep that up as it seems to be working for you."   

       I'll be 56 soon.
I took my doctors orders, not that I wasn't going to make up my own mind anyway and continue to work harder than everyone else around me.

       It's all genetics and what death you are predisposed for from birth if you are unlucky enough to find out what that predisposition is.   


       Personally I determined long ago that I need at LEAST fifteen hundred years to accomplish all of the things I want to let alone the things I will want to accomplish given that much time to pursue them.   

       Unless I get a robo-body, or aliens tweak me I'm totally fucked in that regard so I just...   

       ...chill and try not to dwell on it too much.   

       If I go two days without nicotine I'm fit to bit the head off of a kitten.   

       I don't believe your two weeks and you're free of addiction claim.   

       With or without a healthy body your brain will only last another 200 years. If you swap out parts for their electronic equivalent that can become indefinite, but then it's not your brain anymore.
Voice, Aug 26 2024

       I just heard this subject being discussed, how if you want to live to be 100+, don't copy people who lived to be 100+ because they might very well tell you "I smoke, I eat candy and I don't exercise."   

doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

       //What about giving Social Security income bonuses to smokers?//   

       Society has its fingers in its ears making loud "la la la" noises about health and how we die. Lots of progress has been made to make dying take longer and cost a lot more. Both my grandfathers and both grandfathers-in-law had massive heart attacks or strokes in their late 60's, from useful to dead in a week of hospital care combined. Very socially responsible. With blood pressure control, statins etc. my dad lasted a decade longer needing two hip replacements and a year of hospice care. What's that, another $1 million or so? He never paid that in tax. I've already consumed over $1.5 million, where's that coming from?   

       //how if you want to live to be 100+, don't copy people who lived to be 100+//   

       Having looked after old folks, the ones who lived the longest had really dull lives. I think a really dull life is somewhat protective because when you find yourself in an old folks home, it's not that big a change. People with interesting lives arrive in an old folks home and it kills their spirit.
bs0u0155, Aug 26 2024

       //With or without a healthy body your brain will only last another 200 years.//   

       Tell that to Methuselah...   

       //Tell that to Methuselah//   

       Wouldn't be any point, he wouldn't know you were talking to him, all the poor old bugger can do these days is mumble and dribble, been like that for milenia .. a poor choice of exemplar on your part there perhaps, more a point of evidence on [Voices] side of the ledger than yours I'm afraid.
Skewed, Aug 27 2024

       Could be a financial incentive to stay healthy. Hmm. I saw my last hospital bill before insurance paid it and for half that price I would have stayed home. Probably for the best that that's not an option -- creates a perverse incentive. This idea incentivizes people to make a career out of taking up and then quitting smoking.
sninctown, Aug 27 2024

       Terrible idea. If everybody jumped on this plan think of the jobs Big Tobacco would lose. People who make their living cultivating, reaping and aging, shredding tobacco leaves and adding all those special chemicals, packaging, distribution, marketing, compensating doctors, combating court claims, etc. You'd put over 1.5M people out of work.   

       Plus, people would live longer and so would have to work more years to pay for their retirement. Terrible.
whatrock, Aug 27 2024

       //With or without a healthy body your brain will only last another 200 years.//   

       Alright then fifteen hundred healthy full-bodied cogent years.   

       I just know that 200 years is infancy.   

       The number of inventions I've managed to pull from my own ass without a decent education tells me that what I could accomplish with one is substantial. Your loss.   

       //where does the money come from?// where does any money come from? Someone types numbers into a computer somewhere.
pocmloc, Aug 27 2024

       // I don't believe your two weeks and you're free of addiction claim.   

       We agree on something. I don't believe it either. In my case it was more like 6 days. From a 25 pack of kings a day.   

       Easy. Just fucking don't smoke.
tatterdemalion, Aug 27 2024

       If that's your bent then great but I have to ask, how long did you smoke for?
Like I said on another thread, I'm 55 and can swim an Olympic pool underwater on a single breath.

       I have yet to be a drain on the healthcare system and should be receiving complimentary perks when I do need the system due to how much I've paid in for others compared to how much I've been in need of what I've already paid for.   

       I look at it this way;
Yes I smoke and I drink and enjoy ganja... but without those very few vices to damn me... who's to protect my kin after the rapture?

       : ]   

       //I have yet to be a drain on the healthcare system//   

       And as a class or demographic you never will be.   

       Smokers cost far less in healthcare than non smokers.   

       The ONS and every reputable study on the subject has consistently returned the same results every time the question is asked or a study is done since the 60s, smokers as a demographic die younger and cost the state significantly less in both late life medical care and pension provision than non smokers as a result.   

       Just to be clear, statistically, smokers cost the state significantly less per capita over their lifetime than non smokers, before you factor in the extra tax paid on tobacco products.   

       So the additional sin tax on tobacco is not needed to pay for the net extra expense that they don't actually cost their country, and is effectively a subsidy by smokers to everyone else's lifestyle and healthcare.   

       That's the plain statistical truth when not told by a liar who can figure.   

       //And as a class or demographic you never will be//   

       As an outlier you might get lucky and yet be of course ;D
Skewed, Aug 28 2024


       Yet what about those smokers who live til their nineties?   

       What was with their genetics?   

       Those questions don't get asked enough...   

       ...or the answers have been suppressed...   

       // how long did you smoke for?   

       19 years.
tatterdemalion, Aug 28 2024


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