Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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fake bird poo spray

Spray on windshields of enemies.
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A non-destructive method of getting revenge against minor enemies, that could not be traced back to you unless caught red handed.
bob, Sep 16 2012

Bird_20Poo_20Aerosol [calum, Sep 17 2012]


       There's nothing new about splattering paint on somebody's car to exact your petty, venal, insignificant revenge.
Alterother, Sep 16 2012

       I think the idea is that the applied product can be removed without causing permanent damage.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 16 2012

       I think the idea is that it's designed to look like bird poop without particular artistry as well.
Voice, Sep 16 2012

       Just for future reference, canned cream of mushroom soup will permanently stain a windshield and if you are the under-age perpetrator of said staining you will have to shovel the sidewalks of an entire apartment complex for the length of a Canadian winter for your stupidity...   

       if you get a nice judge.   

       Sadly, it requires access to the engine compartment to be able to fill the victim's windscreen washer bottle with a solution of lemon and lime jelly (jello).   

       However, a certain frisson can be achieved either by introducing finely shredded kipper into the cabin heater air intake, or by using a hypodermic to squirt full-cream milk through the window seals onto the seats and carpets.   

       A good squirt of garden-variety battery acid, or even concentrated salt solution, up the exhaust will eventually prove remarkably inconvenient and expensive.
8th of 7, Sep 16 2012

       //canned cream of mushroom soup will permanently stain a windshield//   

       Ah yes, that would be the case, obviously. Indeed, in the lab we often use cream of mushroom soup to etch glass when we run out of hydrofluoric acid. I believe also that many of England's churches have figurative windows tinted with cream of mushroom soup, due to its imperviability to the ravages of time.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 16 2012

       Indeed; we're baffled how it slipped under the UN's radar when they were banning Chemical Weapons precursors.   

       It can only be that they were so entranced by David Hockney's art that they were blindsided by the potential uses of some of the analogous compounds from the same manufacturer.
8th of 7, Sep 16 2012

       ...but fake birds can't poo...
xandram, Sep 17 2012

       [xandram] No! it's the "Bird Poo Spray" which is fake. This is just like a normal Bird Poo Spray which you can buy anywhere and use to create a fine mist of bird poo, but a fake version, which you might use to pretend that you've got a real Bird Poo Spray. I'll go and read the idea now.
hippo, Sep 17 2012

       //This is just like a normal Bird Poo Spray which you can buy anywhere and use to create a fine mist of bird poo, but a fake version, which you might use to pretend that you've got a real Bird Poo Spray.//
Sentences which effortlessly capture the spirit of the halfbakery.
calum, Sep 17 2012

       //canned cream of mushroom soup will permanently stain a windshield//   

       Ah - when I made my previous scathing remarks on the veracity of such a statement, I may have been jumping the gun before the horse had bolted to water under the bridge too far. I was assuming, perhaps wrongly, that the can had been removed prior to deployment.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 17 2012

       It was opened.
It tinted her windshield in a beige splotch.
It wasn't even my crime. I just did the time for it.

       Hey, since real bird poo is good luck, would fake bird poo from a minor enemy be good luck too?   

       Well, I knew the answer but now I forgot. I believe this is a conundrum!
xandram, Sep 18 2012


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