Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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diamagnetic force field

Diamagnetic feilds to contain living beings.
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Diamagnets are magnets which interact with the minute magnetic properties of, amoungst other things, organic matter. They are described as "permanent" magnets and I assume that means they don't loose power over time.

In the webpages concerning them (if anyone remembers these pages, could they provide a link? - thanks) they were shown to levitate a frog in water; suspend a peice of metal between a mans fingers without any physical contact taking place; and also levitate a bhudist monk (or so it appeared).

Basically they repelled stuff you couldn't wouldn't normally suspect of having any potencial for clinging to your fridge(I've always wanted a bhudist monk, so he could chant quietly whilst performing an important task of pinning a useful reminder note to the door).

I've heard of magnetic feilds used with reguards to containing plasma or fusion energy, and I believe a diamagnetic feild might be applied to doorways (such as in prison cells) and repell prisoners who try to get past.

They might also be used as a new type of safety net, repelling those who fall from an unsafe hight.

arclyte, May 22 2003

Diamagmets http://www.google.c...0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
arclyte, if you use google, you can provide extremely useful background information to users. [my face your, Oct 17 2004]

Diamagnetic Levitaion http://www.physics.ucla.edu/marty/diamag/
Short UCLA explanation of diagmantetics w/links [schwantz34, Oct 17 2004]

The thing with the frog http://www-hfml.sci.kun.nl/froglev.html
"But ah think ah will have seen ev'rything, when ah see a little frog fly!" [friendlyfire, Oct 17 2004]

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       sp: field, amongst, lose, piece, man's, Buddhist, potential, regards, repel, height.   

       Spelling counts.
waugsqueke, May 22 2003

       Yes. Bad spelling can have a strange repelling force all of its own... (I once held an English teacher of mine in a constant state of revolving stifled apoplexy by willfully misunderstanding the "i before e" rule. But somehow I think that's not what you're meaning. Although it might be the bulk of the response to this idea)
dustmonkey, May 22 2003

       That said; do dyslexic bhudists have to go through the cycle of birth and death one time extra just to get the spelling right?
dustmonkey, May 22 2003

       So the idea is to use magnetic fields to repel things, albeit in new and interesting ways?   

       What are you going to tell the warden or the person jumping from the high-rise fire when the power goes out?
phoenix, May 22 2003

       Diamagnets are not permanent magnets. While levitating a frog, the frog *is* the diamagnet. Under some conditions, permanent magnets can be used to levitate small diamagnets. More often, an electromagnet of large field strength would be used to apply the levitating force. The diamagnet is commonly only used as a stabilizer.   

       //dyslexic bhudists// - I think I've seen one driving around with a bumper sticker saying "free to bet"
lurch, May 22 2003

       Bismuth is a permanent diamagnetic metal.
sartep, May 22 2003

       Bismuth can be used in an alloy (eg, "Bismanol", MnBi) to make a permanent magnet. In pure form, it's diamagnetic - which means that it repels magnetic fields.
lurch, May 22 2003

       Pyrolytic graphite is very diamagnetic, but there are a lot of things that are diamagnetic, water for example or Aluminum (i'm sure that isn't how it is spelled) just rub a magnet over a piece of ALU and you will notice the faster you rub the harder it is to move the magnet.
mawgadog, Jul 06 2004

       Practicality is an issue - it took enough power for a small town just to lift a few grams of frog.
Detly, Jul 07 2004


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