Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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dead link auto-resurrection

this browser addon finds and presents the archived dead link
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You see this great looking link in an idea on halfbakery or anywhere else on the web, click it and 404 not found.

Boom! The addon kicks in, searches web-archive for that url, if there were changes throughout time gives you a gallery to choose from, and if worse comes to worse finds nothing it looks for the original description which you had clicked and tries to find it on the web.

pashute, Dec 22 2023

Server-side implementation PermaURL
Boned to hell three years ago [pocmloc, Dec 22 2023]

croissant https://www.youtube...watch?v=n17jl5CKBGM
for [pashute], plus incontrovertible evidence that the entire halfbakery was created by the French, to trick us all into speaking with outrageously bad French accents. [pocmloc, Dec 25 2023]

Broken link auto-fixer Broken_20link_20auto-fixer
alternative approach - website identifies broken link and points at archive instead [Loris, Dec 29 2023]

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Short name, e.g., Bob's Coffee
Destination URL. E.g., https://www.coffee.com/
Description (displayed with the short name and URL.)

       1. Give it a clever name like 'Ice-cold-case Interwebs Detectory' (ICCID), or 'DEAdLink AutoRise' (DEALAR)   

       2. Start a Go-Fund-Me, or just go straight to WhaleStreet by offering dotcom crypto pie-in-the-sky stock options   

       3. Be (or find) a white-hat programmer* to actually make the addon.   

       *EFF, if you're reading this, this is a really good idea, to get ahead of exponentially-increasing AI hallucinations that will contaminate the retrieval process.
Sgt Teacup, Dec 23 2023

       Thanks [sarge]. Also for teaching me about white hat programmers. Never heard the phrase b4. [poc] Only 2 bones and now one crouassount or however that's spelled.   

       Grammarly gave curation for cruason and croisant finally lead me to the croissant. But isn't at supposed to and with an oh sound at the and, so shouldn'at ot to and with ought?
pashute, Dec 25 2023

       Yes but by my high standards one bone is cause for deep despair and existential angst. So two bones is beyond the pale.
pocmloc, Dec 25 2023


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