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chocolate covered nitrogen

candys: hollow chocolates, but the hollow is filled with nitrogen
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sold on the shelf next to lemon heads and jolly joes: chocolate covered nitrogen bombs!

nitrogen is cheap and harmless, tasteless and odorless. not only is it safe, but it's the cheapest thing you can stuff a chocolate with besides air.

you can use the word "tonic" on the package and maybe, "fresh". and for sure "100% Pure Nitrogen". it doesnt hurt you, so find find a way to express some benefit, as slight as it may be. put them in the yuppie candy section with the $4 bars.

image someone offer's you one- you'll try it! the excitement of 100% pure nitrogen in your mouth... covered with chocolate! what will it be like when you bite into it? i like to let mine dissolve slowly- it's such a weird feeling when it starts to leak!

i guess what im saying is, they're cheap and i'd buy them (long before id buy evian).

gnormal, Feb 05 2001


       Helium would be more fun.
egnor, Feb 05 2001

       could the same be applied to medicine? i.e. nitroglycerin capsules heart patients have to take. why couldn't we invent airborne insulin or inhalable aspirin?
d-eschew, Feb 05 2001

       yea, the only advantage is that you might be able to make it sound exciting or healthy to put N2 into your mouth. at least it's more honest than subversively selling you plain air like Aero. WE GUARENTEE 100% pure Nitro.   

       N wouldnt feel any different in your mouth. but you might expect it to, and so believe it did.   

       same with helium, which is a good idea. but it would be more expensive than N without adding anything to the product except a more recognized gas. it might even hurt sales since people might expect to be able to talk funny, when a chocolate bar's dose of He would not be enough (unless it were pressurized- but i dont think you get much of a PSI into a chocolate cannister).
gnormal, Feb 05 2001

       helium filled aeros would be cool they could float around the room so you wouldn't lose them under things
edski, Feb 05 2001

       Instead of chocolate-covered nitrogen, what about a ball of sugar glass filled with nitrous oxide? Hold it in your mouth until a hole melts in the glass, then hold it in a bit longer...   

       Except for being illegal, this could work.
Uncle Nutsy, Feb 06 2001

       uncle, i like your idea better than mine. a clear glass-looking sugar ball with NO2 would look sexy! it wouldnt be enough helium to float the sphere, but would it be enough NO2 to make you giggle? i never tried it.
gnormal, Feb 06 2001

       I think an even better idea would be SOLID nitrogen dipped in chocolate. You know, kinda like a candy bar in the freezer.
Vance, Feb 08 2001

       Pressurise whatever gas you settle on just enough that the candy explodes once it melts for a while. It would be like PopRocks, but made of chocolate and with a larger cavity for the gas.
badoingdoing, Feb 09 2001

       EXTREME chocolate sounds very timely, and I'm pretty sure there's a market share there for it, despite / due to the damage! But the scented air-filled chocolate bars could actually be marketable! Taste is largely scent and aromatherapy is the cachet of almost every new product anyway.
sirenity, Feb 20 2001

       Methinks there is some confusion about various gases. Filling choc spheres with nitrous oxide could be immensly amusing, that being laughing gas. NO2 is not nitrous but nitric oxide. The latter is very toxic.On that note, for your worst enemies, try cyanide. The Final Solution now comes giftwrapped.
rjswanson, Apr 06 2001

       How about a bar of frozen Hydrogen wraped in chocolate. "Best Served at 0 degrees Kelvin, new 'ABSOLUTE CHOCOLATE!'"
nick3, Aug 28 2001

       <pedantry degree=extreme field=scientific> That's "0 Kelvins", not "0 degrees Kelvin". </pedantry>
wiml, Aug 30 2001

       wiml - seek help...
RobertKidney, Aug 30 2001

       Actually wiml, Nick3 was addressing my friend Kelvin. So it should have read "Best Served at 0 degrees, Kelvin..."
mighty_cheese, Oct 07 2001

       apart from the fact that large amounts of helium can permanently damage your vocal chords, helium candy sounds good. "Try <insert name of helium snack product here>, they don't just melt in your mouth.... they float"
kaz, Oct 07 2001

Helium, Oct 07 2001

       I'm sorry, no offence meant.
kaz, Oct 10 2001

       If the nitrogen were pressurized in the chocolate, you could eat them and throw them into your car engine, giving yourself 20 extra horse power in a few seconds. Cheaper than putting in a ten pound bottle of NOS i bet.
ishotpac, Apr 07 2002

       'Nitrogen' is not equal to 'Nitrous oxide', and it'd be a bugger to clean the melted and burned chocolate out of the engine...
StarChaser, Apr 08 2002

       what if you make a really thin chocolate shell, and fill it with helium, then it would float around the room. Gravitiless chocolate, wouldn't that be fun!!!
tesseract9, Aug 10 2006

       This is so old! Nitrogen has been used with foodstuffs for a long time.
ldischler, Aug 10 2006


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