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as part of syllabus

Bring the entrepreneurial/creative spirits out of them students
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For some reason or other, the Ministry of Education, Singapore Govt. has been looking for ways and means to encourage entrepreneurship and creative-thinking, to the point where one wonders whether the MOE actually believes that such aptitudes can be trained.

I propose that regular visits to 0.5B.com be imposed at the high-school/secondary school level, where students are expected to meet certain guidelines, eg. per week, post 2 new ideas, annotate 5 ideas; per month, accumulate at least 5 nett crossiants (nett crossiants = crossiants - fishbones) per month, etc. etc.

Students no doubt stand to gain from the kindly (?) advice given by the gd people at the half-b, and would develop creative-thinking over time. In a most favourable scenario, students would actually be inspired to be entrepreneurs, setting business, and fueling national growth.

[this is a piece of satire, or at least my first attempt at it. kindly react accordingly....]

LoneRifle, Mar 13 2003

brainflower http://www.brainflo...ndex.phtml?view=new
maybe here for this train of thought? [thumbwax, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       i can almost imagine the fishbones you would throw at the students, just to get them in trouble for meeting requirements....   

       <aside purpose="opinion">do you believe that creative-thinking can be acquired/taught/developed?</aside>
LoneRifle, Mar 13 2003

       Given the aside/porpoise - There used to be a site which catered to this type of idea - halfempty.org. Their hard drive crashed recently, and their doesn't appear to be any salvaging it. Check the brainflower link instead.
It's ugly when kiddies find the 'bakery - not because they're newbies - who cares if they're newbies, they're just un-elf-disciplined.
thumbwax, Mar 13 2003

       Seeing what happens to this site when school is out, I'm not too keen to see that same thing happen when school is in. As 'wax says, young 'uns simply can't discipline their elves effectively.   

       On your aside, I poisenally think that certain people have more latent skill in creative thinking that can be encouraged, but it's not a universal skill.   

       And I resent the allegation that we would just throw calcium at an idea because it was posted by someone new. While I have quite a good collection of calcium, it's not because I'm new - it's because I'm crap at creative thinking. I've seen newbies collect amounts of pastry that I can only dream about.
PeterSilly, Mar 13 2003

       You mean *you either is or you ain't cut out for this or that* - no two ways about it?
thumbwax, Mar 13 2003

       Please God, No!

//Seeing what happens to this site when school is out, I'm not too keen to see that same thing happen when school is in//

ditto times two with a cherry on top.
DrBob, Mar 13 2003

       //And I resent the allegation that we would just throw calcium at an idea because it was posted by someone new. //   

       not because they're new [PeterSilly], but because they have a quota of crossiants to meet and one doesn't want them to do so... kinda like the ugly things one does to people who need one's help....   

       *whispers extra prayer of forgiveness for having such an evil thought come to mind*   


       perhaps our education system differs: I wouldn't regard our high-schoolers here as lacking in self-discipline, on the contrary, I would think that if they ever posted here, their ideas would at least be entertained, if not supported.   

       //I've seen newbies collect amounts of pastry that I can only dream about.//   

       like lostdog
LoneRifle, Mar 13 2003

       I wouldn't mind if they had their *own* space similar to here, as long as it were somewhere else. Kudos to whomever tries to moderate it.
RayfordSteele, Mar 13 2003

       <big bad waugs>{rubs hands together} Bring 'em on, I'm hungry!</big bad waugs>
waugsqueke, Mar 13 2003

       [waugs] <joke>you would have to answer to the MOE in case they ask HB on the whereabouts of the missing children....</joke>
LoneRifle, Mar 13 2003

       It may or may not develop their creative thinking skills, but it would definitely give them thick skins.
krelnik, Mar 13 2003

       [Mr Rifle] - //not because they're new [PeterSilly], but because they have a quota of crossiants to meet and you don't want them to do so... kinda like the ugly things you do to people who need your help.... //   

       Would you like to rephrase that? I think you would struggle very hard to find anything that I have written that isn't helpful to newbies.   

       <starts cracking knuckles>
PeterSilly, Mar 14 2003

       well..... i wasn't saying it was you......   

       //kinda like the ugly things you do to people who need your help.... //   

       wasn't referring specifically to you, but to "you", ie. what i thought a person would do.   

       ok. i take back what i said. but at least you understood what i was saying... sigh. I guess this phenomenon of deliberate sabotage for the sake of entertainment occurs only here in Singapore.....   

       Pardon me. My command of English is seriously not proficient enough to express my thoughts fully...
LoneRifle, Mar 14 2003

       Don't stress - you're doing OK.
angel, Mar 14 2003

       noted. thanks... usually hyper-sensitive.
LoneRifle, Mar 14 2003

       <Stands just behind [PeterSilly], reaches round and prods [LoneRifle] with index finger> "Yeah!"..   

       <Mutters to [PeterSilly]> You gonna take that?   

       I'm sorry, but too many kids will ruin the 'bakery - didn't "Scooby Doo" teach you anything?
<Policeman takes mask off the apprehended man in a 'borg' costume>
<gasps from the kids> "Its [8th of 7]!! He was so close to assimilating the 'bakery!"
[8th]: "And I would have succeeded too, if it weren't for those pesky kids!"
Jinbish, Mar 14 2003

       OK - I find cracking knuckles quite painful - and I appreciate English doesn't easily distinguish between second person singular and second person plural. However, that broadens the insult. Maybe edit your original post to remove it?   

       We don't have a quota system. The sentiment that ideas gain pastry solely on the history of the 'baker has to be false. People vote for a variety of reasons. Please don't attribute one method of voting, which probably does exist, across the board. I actually think most people don't vote.
PeterSilly, Mar 14 2003

       //We don't have a quota system. The sentiment that ideas gain pastry solely on the history of the 'baker has to be false. People vote for a variety of reasons. Please don't attribute one method of voting, which probably does exist, across the board. I actually think most people don't vote.//   

       Of course we don't have a quota system. I was just laughing at the fact at how MOE measures students' performance by setting requirements/minimum grades/"quotas". After all, education has nothing to do with that; rather it involves the imparting of knowledge and values common to everybody in society, to say the least.   

       I'm sure you are right about the rest of it and agree with you, only that i never implied anything like that... rather, i was visualising how the place can end up being a bane for all students.....   

       Ok. would make relevant changes to the post. Hope this helps...
LoneRifle, Mar 14 2003

       oh by the way, till today i still don't understand why everybody views high school students as kids. Would it be more acceptable if i limited the target audience to 15-18 year olds?
LoneRifle, Mar 14 2003

       Independent study shows that 15-18 yr. olds AKA havoc wreakers stink the place up 49 times out of 50. Just a mess.
thumbwax, Mar 14 2003


       well..... i can't say for sure.... i used to be one as well, and had i stumbled across this 2 years ago, I don't suppose I would "stink the place up"... and hey, i'm pretty near your typical Singaporean student (maybe a little more neurotic...)   

       ...in any case, i get your point. Surely we would end up having problems with numerous teenage individuals choking the place up with malicious intent/ignorance...
LoneRifle, Mar 14 2003


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