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anti-reflective coating

use surface acoustic waves to create anti-reflective surface
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Anti-reflective coatings have a variety of applications such as on camera lens and TV screens. There are three main ways to make an anti-reflective coating: refractive index matching, thin-film interference, and 'moth-eye structures'.

My idea is a new way of manufacturing 'moth eye structure' anti-reflective coating. A 'moth-eye structure' is a regular array of bumps that are sized and spaced at light wavelength (i.e. 200nm). Moth-eye structure is desirable because it can be made with anti-reflective properties across the full visible spectrum (unlike thin-film interference coating).

Currently, the two methods for making moth-eye coating are: photolithography, and UV embossing.

I propose using surface acoustic waves as another method of making moth eye coating.

Basically, very high frequency acoustic standing waves are formed in a 'settable' fluid. The acoustic waves would be formed in two perpendicular axes. The two perpendicular waves would form an 'egg carton' standing wave in the surface of the fluid. The fluid is then 'set' (for example, by lowering the temperature below the melting point) and the moth-eye structure is formed.

This method will allow a wider range of materials to be used to make the coating. It might be possible to form the moth-eye structure on the glass itself, rather than forming a coating of a different material.

It may also be possible to use surface acoustic waves on a solid so that the anti-reflective effect could be turned on and off.

xaviergisz, Nov 10 2012

Iridescent water
practical application for this idea [xaviergisz, Nov 10 2012]

illustration http://imgur.com/a/Tzwc5
[xaviergisz, Nov 10 2012]

wikipedia on anti-reflection structure http://en.wikipedia...ve_coating#Moth_eye
[xaviergisz, Nov 10 2012]

EM radiation as crystal catalyst
[xaviergisz, Nov 11 2012]

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       You left out one method: matte-finish paint or clear-coat.
Alterother, Nov 10 2012

csea, Nov 10 2012

       A standing wave might not work. Perhaps awave with zero group velocity would be better.   

       EDIT: Since a 'group velocity' requires waves of two different speeds, this could be achieved with one wave moving in the medium (e.g. air) above the surface and one below the surface.
xaviergisz, Nov 21 2012


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