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"Select All Unread Non-Contact""

Title changed. See bottom of post for apology and explanation.
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Many times when I check my email, I'll have 5 or more unread messages, and I can tell at a glance that they're all junk that got past my filter settings. Unfortunately, because I have many saved messages that I want to keep in the inbox, I cannot check the "select all" button to rapidly delete all the junk messages.

Instead, I have to manually click the little boxes next to each individual message I want to delete before deleting them. Frequently, when trying to click those tiny boxes, I accidentally click the message itself and inadvertently open it. Then I have to deal with, either by closing or deleting, it to get back to the task of deleting the rest. It's incredibly inconvenient and slow. I have 4 email accounts, and they all lack one feature that would make my e-mail experience a lot more enjoyable for me: a "Select All Unread" box that I can check at the top to rapidly select and delete all the junk messages without risking opening any of them and releasing nasty viruses and tracking cookies.

Perhaps a better option would be a "Select All Unread Non-Contact" box in case you overlooked a message from a friend. Either way, it would make life a little bit easier and perhaps the reduced stress and frustration would add a few minutes to our lives.

Edit: Ok, so it appears you *can* select unread messages. My mistake, and for this oversight I sincerely apologize. The second part of my idea, however, remains unbaked.

21 Quest, Apr 01 2009

Gmail Tips: The Complete Collection http://www.g04.com/...ilTipsComplete.html
[tatterdemalion, Apr 01 2009]

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       If you use Gmail for any of those accounts, you can search for "is:unread" to restrict your view to unread messages only. Then 'Select All' will select just those messages.

       If you find you use this frequently, you can set it up as a Gmail Quick Link (which need to be enabled under Gmail Labs, if you haven't done this already).

       If you do not use Gmail, please disregard.
tatterdemalion, Apr 01 2009

       I do use Gmail, hold on a sec... oh. I never noticed that before... but you still have to sift through and make sure you don't accidentally delete any overlooked messages from your contacts.
21 Quest, Apr 01 2009

       There is a convoluted way to accomplish your second part. If you have enough mail volume it might be worth it, otherwise I'm not sure.

       You could set up a filter for your contacts that assigns a label to those messages, call it "contact" for example. So each incoming message from those contacts will have the "contact" label appended automatically. Then, when you want to sort or delete mail, you can search "is:unread -label:contact". That will sort out any unread message that is not labeled "contact".

       You can create one filter that holds all the addresses you want so labeled, separated by commas. But you'd have to stay on top of making sure people were added/removed from the filter as needed.
tatterdemalion, Apr 01 2009

       Yeah... way too complicated. My solution would be much easier and faster, I think. Then again, I could be missing something like I did before...
21 Quest, Apr 01 2009

       It's really not that complicated - the hardest and most time-consuming part is deciding which contacts you want to label, and setting up the filter. You may find the labels useful for other things besides this sort capability. Plus, it has the benefit of existing, and will accomplish what you're trying to do.

       Have a look, perhaps there is a better solution on the tips list.
tatterdemalion, Apr 01 2009

       Oh yeah, I'm not arguing the benefits, tatter! But the point of the post was for an improvement that does not currently exist, which is what makes it Halfbaked.
21 Quest, Apr 01 2009

       Do you not use spam filters with your email accounts? On the rare occasions I receive an email worth keeping which doesn't make it past the spam filter, I simply rescue it from that folder, add the contact to the safe list and all is well.
fridge duck, Apr 02 2009

       //Do you not use spam filters with your email accounts?//

       Yes, I do use spam filters. The trouble is that many spam messages make it *past* the filters and wind up in my inbox, mixed in with the good messages. That's what this idea is intended to solve.
21 Quest, Apr 02 2009

       //Do you not use spam filters with your email accounts?//

       Yes, I do use spam filters. The trouble is that many spam messages make it *past* the filters and wind up in my inbox, mixed in with the good messages. That's what this idea is intended to solve.
21 Quest, Apr 02 2009

       This is easy with Microsoft Outlook...phbththhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - I crack me up sometimes.
phundug, Apr 02 2009


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