Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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"Brexit"-brand product line

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To commemorate Liberation Day, BorgCo are launching a range of Brexit-brand products.

Under the proud flag of "British Brexit" will be a wide range of items, all unique, carefully manufactured to very high standards, less expensive and much stronger and more solid than any previous versions.

Under the limp banner of "EU Brexit" will be a dismal selection of weak, crumbly, bland and deeply unsatisfactory items that are designed to please everyone, and thus satisfy no-one. They are grossly overpriced, massively overpackaged, almost completely content free, and have a very limited shelf life.

Currently under development is a further range of "Scotchxit" products, which are a sort of cheapy, tacky version of "EU Brexit" but distinguished by a very bitter flavour and a tendency to whine* continuously when unpacked.

*Obviously not proper whine; this is a stomach-rotting cocktail of Carlsberg Special Brew, white cider, Buckie, wood alcohol and hydraulic fluid.

8th of 7, Feb 01 2020


       Borg-exit. Brexit. I would have guessed the EU was the Borg in this scenario.
sninctown, Feb 01 2020

       Guess again. EU ? They don't even speak a unified language ... altho it* was actually a realistic option up to 1944.   

       *German. Or maybe Russian...
8th of 7, Feb 01 2020

       // Scotchxit //   

       Is Scotland planning an exit from the Great Britain?
Mindey, Feb 01 2020

       Oh yes, some of them are quite keen on the idea.   

       A lot of English people are keen on the idea, too ...
8th of 7, Feb 01 2020

       //less expensive// *   

       * when paid for in € or $
pocmloc, Feb 01 2020

       A Railshit card would be good for anyone unfortunate enough to have to use the railways in the UK. This card would store up all of the late arrivals (that means every journey); every cancelled train (that means every other journey) and every overcrowded train where you have to stand beside a toilet overflowing with boke. (that means every journey too) At the end of the year, you get a refund in the form of a box of empty crisp wrappers, elastic bands and clothes pegs to dismantle, and make into a working model of the Flying Scotsman. The instructions cost extra (of course) and are printed in Chinese.
xenzag, Feb 01 2020

       // anyone unfortunate enough to have to use the railways in the UK. //   

       There are some excellent railways in the UK; to cite just a few examples, the Severn Valley Railway, the North York Moors Railway, the Ffestiniog and the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch.   

       All have very good reputations for reliability, comfort and customer service, thus scoring highly on TripAdvisor.   

       // you get a refund in the form of a box of empty crisp wrappers, elastic bands and clothes pegs to dismantle, and make into a working model of the Flying Scotsman. The instructions cost extra (of course) and are printed in Chinese. //   

       A TGV, shirley ?
8th of 7, Feb 01 2020

       Congratulations on declaring your independence from Neuordnung of Europe part 2. Now the next time some Germans drive up in an unmarked van and tell you to hop in because they've got free candy inside what are you going to say? That's right, "No!" and call the U.S. immediately.
doctorremulac3, Feb 01 2020

       // some Germans drive up in an unmarked van //   

       What, no iron crosses, or swastikas ? How very unsporting... isn't that cheating ? Are they allowed to do that ?   

       Then again, they're only foreigners, so fair play can't be expected.
8th of 7, Feb 01 2020

       They decided on a new image, pretty blue sky with sparkly stars sell better than scary crosses. Next logo might feature a smiley face or a teddy bear named Huggy.   

       "Huggy gets sad when people question his dominion over all his friends in the HGSS (Happy Global Smiles Syndicate). Don't make Huggy sad. You wouldn't like what happens when Huggy gets sad."
doctorremulac3, Feb 02 2020

       Hire the Disney corporation to help people "Get in touch with their Inner Blackshirt ?"   

       That makes perfect sense, in a very twisted and frightening way ...
8th of 7, Feb 02 2020

       Open a series of re-education "theme parks" maybe?
doctorremulac3, Feb 02 2020

       New this Summer season, PyongyangDisney ...
8th of 7, Feb 02 2020


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