Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Guitar Hero: 4'33"

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World-Wave 2

What I thought the other idea was.
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A camera drone flies around the world and videos people as they throw their hands up in that wave thing they used to do at sporting events. The people are notified by a smart phone app when the drone will be approaching and when to throw their hands up.

Travel time between land masses, cities, continents will be greatly sped up of course.

For a couple of days people across the world would do something kind of fun, like that time they all drank Coke and sang about it.

doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2019

This kind of wave https://www.youtube...watch?v=H0K2dvB-7WY
[doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2019]

(?) Inspired by this. World-wave/addlink#addlink
I had just assumed he was talking about this kind of wave. [doctorremulac3, Oct 13 2019]

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neutrinos_shadow, Oct 14 2019

       WaVeS at all three of you.
blissmiss, Oct 14 2019

       I like the idea but some citizens don't have that fun excited feeling when it comes to drones.
wjt, Oct 17 2019

       So plan the route to fly over those citizens (and non-citizens) who would be happy about it?
notexactly, Dec 09 2019

       If a drone flies into your head, you die.
chronological, Dec 09 2019

       //I like the idea but some citizens don't have that fun excited feeling when it comes to drones.//   

       But can we really call those who don't have that fun excited feeling when it comes to drones "citizens"? I guess technically they're people, but "citizens" is a bit of a stretch.
doctorremulac3, Dec 09 2019


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