Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Wheelie Bin Compost Blender Kit

convert your brown wheelie bin into a compost maker
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In the UK we segregate our rubbish into 3 categories for recycling and are provided with black, blue, & brown wheelie bins, the brown one being for organic material.

Extra brown wheelie bins are also used in the gardens and allotments of many people to deposit leaves and other material in order to make a compost. Being equipped with wheels means they are easily moved around even when quite heavy. They also don’t take up much space, but a few additions/modifications can make these bins even more versatile.

These modifications begin with the bin itself which now comes with some drill hole/punch out points. One is at the bottom to allow a drain tap to be screwed in place. Another one is in the actual base of the bin to facilite the insertion of the motorised chopping blade apparatus which is similar to that of a drinks blender. (this is sold as an extra) Water tight grommets make sure there are no leaks. Larger wheels add some height to create the extra space needed to accommodate the blending motor underneath.

With these extras in place, you can feed your compost bin, close the lid over, then blend its contents into a mulch on a regular basis, in much the same manner as you would when making a smoothie with a kitchen blender. Draining off the nutritious liquid plant fertiliser via the tap at the bottom can then be done as needs arise.

xenzag, Oct 13 2024


       //Larger wheels//   

       I'm picturing a gun carriage from the nineteenth century.
pertinax, Oct 13 2024

       Ha - wheels a few inches bigger will suffice :-)
xenzag, Oct 13 2024

       I see one of these at the next Burning Man. Mojito? Pina Colada?
minoradjustments, Oct 13 2024

       Update: link has been removed.   

       Exercise caution with that link!
My antivirus reports that it is dangerous, hosting a Trojan horse.
Loris, Oct 13 2024

       seems ok to me but I’ll delete it
xenzag, Oct 13 2024

       I suppose it might have been a false positive. But sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry.
Thank you xenzag.
Loris, Oct 15 2024

       No worries - it just showed brown wheelie bins. (nice new clean ones of course)
xenzag, Oct 15 2024

       Well to be fair an online gallery of brown wheelie bins is the kind of high-traffic clickbait site that would be worth planting a trojan virus on.
pocmloc, Oct 15 2024


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