Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Waterfall tap

A touch of the wilderness in your kitchen
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Instead of simply dispensing water from a simple tap, water is delivered from 5 holes at the top of the kitchen. Water then travels down a big chute, which at the end tapers into a 5-inch-long tube of diameter of about half a centimetre, allowing water to come out in a nice neat dribble.

Additional accessories include an authentic fibreglass chute designed to look like rocks in a real waterfall. Trailing plants included as standard; uplighting optional.

(post-posting: just looked at t-shirts page, I swear I never knew the waterfall shower existed...)

NickTheGreat, Sep 07 2002

(?) Illustration http://www.nj2k.co....rk/waterfalltap.jpg
Another simple diagram by me. Obviously actual product would be less angular. [NickTheGreat, Sep 07 2002, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Waterfall Faucets http://www.bathtec....ucetswaterfall.html
No chute, just a flat thingy the water runs over. [waugsqueke, Sep 07 2002]

Waterfall Shower http://www.halfbake.../Waterfall_20shower
Much more fun. [DrCurry, Sep 07 2002, last modified Oct 05 2004]

A TAP http://data.pg2k.hd...-flowing-9-AJHD.jpg
<dances a tap dance> [po, Sep 12 2002, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       What are these "tap" things you keep talking about?
PeterSilly, Sep 12 2002

       It's a faucet to you americans
NickTheGreat, Sep 12 2002

       [NtG] - "faucet"??? (btw, judging by my annos I'm based somewhere in dear old Blighty.)
PeterSilly, Sep 12 2002

       A tap. The think you have in a kitchen/bathroom or on a hose pipe that controls water flow.   

NickTheGreat, Sep 12 2002

       join me in a tap dance [nick]? (linky)
po, Sep 12 2002

       Peter, never heard of tapwater?
RayfordSteele, Sep 12 2002


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