Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Wasp sprayer drone

Wasps - why ?
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UAVs for agricultural spraying are Baked and WKTE.

There doesn't seem to be much in the domestic market, however.

Until now ...

BorgCo engineeering is developing a consumer-grade drone capable of dealing with those little black-and-yellow flying stinging bastards on their own terms.

The system consists of a large R/C camera drone with FPV control. Slung under the drone is an aluminium spraycan with a solenoid valve. A plastic pipe carries the nozzle well clear of the rotor downwash, into the field of view of the camera. A pair of converging lasers mounted on each side of the drone allow the pilot to accurately judge the range-to-target and aiming point of the sprayer.

The right-hand laser is green, the left-hand is red. Thus as the drone approaches the target, the green dot is on the right of the image. If the two dots cross over, you're too close ...

Now, it doesn't matter if the evil vermin have insinuated themselves into the eves of your dwellng, or right at the back of your garage. You can go in there and poison the lot of 'em with no risk of being stung. No ladders, no protective equipment, no risk of stings. Just lots of lovely little twitching tabby corpses.

The design also allows the deployment of much more toxic biocides than can be safely used by the average householder - for example, cyanide-based agents, derivatives of short-chain fluorophosphonyl alcohols, and chlorine trifluoride.

Canisters containing fast-drying opaque paint, or HF, are available for those with a dislike of CCTV cameras.

8th of 7, Sep 03 2017

Laser bug zapper https://www.engadge...-fence-first-trial/
As mentioned in an annotation. [Vernon, Sep 04 2017]


       So this isn't a drone that sprays wasps everywhere then? Such as might be useful for breaking up an annoying neighbour's garden party?
prufrax, Sep 03 2017

       Canisters of napalm are available by special order.
8th of 7, Sep 03 2017

       //FPV// Why is it not autonomous? Have I not things to be getting on with?
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 03 2017

       // Why is it not autonomous? //   

       Because that's no fun.   

       // Have I not things to be getting on with? //   

       There's something better than killing wasps ? Do tell ...
8th of 7, Sep 03 2017

       If you are targeting wasps with a laser, then when the target is acquired, why not simply increase the power of the laser? (link) Ah, I remember! This is the HalfBakery!
Vernon, Sep 04 2017

       // why not simply increase the power of the laser? //   

       Because this isn't about precision targeting. It's about mass destruction.   

       A laser would kill one wasp at a time, and most likely drain the drone's battery to do so. A persistent chemical agent is much more effective.
8th of 7, Sep 04 2017

       Safer and much more funner than the shop vac with 12-foot hose extension. [+]
whatrock, Sep 04 2017

       They are proud, impressive creatures and deserve to be taken on armed with only an electric flyswatter, while shirtless like a man.   

       Drones are for wusses.   

       // They are proud, impressive creatures //   

       They are nasty, evil, spiteful little pests.   


       // and deserve to be taken on armed with only an electric flyswatter, while shirtless like a man. //   

       Yeah, right ... presumably you also forego dental anaesthesia, and warm clothing in freezing weather ...   

       // Drones are for wusses. //   

       We'll leave you to argue that point with the USAF ...
8th of 7, Sep 04 2017

       // Yeah, right ... presumably you also forego dental anaesthesia, and warm clothing in freezing weather ...//   

       Wasn't their fault I left a roll of carpet under cover but un-needed for three years and then decided to install it.
I figured it was their due. Not one nest but six I think.

       My wife doesn't understand, but they'd done me no harm. I was the aggressor reclaiming what was mine and only colonised by them due to misunderstanding.
If they didn't attack me reclaiming that which was my own then they would receive no harm.

       Electric flyswatters don't kill wasps and hornets it just stuns them and if you don't stomp them while fighting the rest of the swarm they just come back more pissed off. They learn very quickly that the swatter isn't the enemy and go for hands arms and neck next.   

       Good times.
Final score:
Wasps 5
Randy 1 carpeted set of stairs.

       They died fighting... as they deserved.   

       Anesthesia doesn't work so well on me and I have endured enough pain for several lifetimes.   

       I just avoid the dentists for as long as I can.   

       You had me even before the paint option.
Voice, Sep 05 2017


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