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Voter Confidence Term

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A not terribly complicated algorithm which determines term length, based on percentage of votes compared to other candidates, within the context of voter turnout.

For example...

- 100% voter turnout, with 100% votes for a candidate gives a 12 year term;

- 70% turnout, with one party squeaking by with 55% of cast ballots, gets a year.

Less than 40% turnout and candidates' heads are mounted on spikes by the main gate until a supplementary election can be organized and rolled out.

FlyingToaster, Nov 04 2016

Gate spikes http://htwww.imagea...ge=b21tabus1189.jpg
I offer to sharpen said spikes. [whatrock, Nov 05 2016]

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       I eagerly await our robot overlords.
RayfordSteele, Nov 04 2016

       Ahem ... "cybernetic", actually.   

       <Collective sniggering>
8th of 7, Nov 05 2016

       Some of this already exists in systems which are parliamentary, rather than presidential. In a parliamentary system, if one party barely wins then they can't get much done; they're at the mercy of minor parties and disgruntled back-bench MPs. Therefore, they may have to call another election sooner rather than later.   

       (Regrettably, this has become less true since 2011 in the UK, where the introduction of fixed-term parliaments has allowed virtually mandate-less governments to hang on for longer).
pertinax, Nov 05 2016

       For a less than 40% voter turnout situation, mounting a few absent voters' heads on spikes might improve things next term.
whatrock, Nov 05 2016


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