Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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"My only concern is that it wouldn't work, which I see as a problem."

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Velcro Hair Trap

Does *not* trap velcro hair
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I have a sheddy dog. He sleeps in a shed but that's another story. This is more to do with the fact that he leaves short brown hairs all over everything wherever he goes - and because he goes where I go, that includes me. Often I get egged by irate PETA hit squads for wearing fur (but on the upside I'm always warm in winter). Thank god he's not a longhaired dog or I'd resemble Chewbacca (again, that would have its upsides but I can't think what they are at the moment).

This surfeit of fur (furfeit?) is dealt with by my beleaguered Hotpoint which (bless its little plastic soap-tray) can never quite manage to swallow a weeks worth of hairyness and instead stores some inside its internal gizzard for regurgitation onto the next load. As a result, dirty but hairless clothes emerge clean but hairy (with nice clean hair, mind you) which drives me bananas and contributes in no small amount to my various neuroses (no doubt my obsession with brackets is also a by-product of this hairy stress).

Some of my clothes and other belongings fasten with velcro (I suspect that halfbakery users will (on average) possess more than the 'normal' amount of velcro devices) but many of them fail to operate correctly due to clogging. As many of you may have noticed, velcro hooks tend to clog when used in areas exhibiting high background levels of hair. (You know where this is going don't you...) (No?) (Ok then, hang in there.)

One square foot (one foot square?) of velcro (hook-type) added to the wash should be enough to absorb all the hair from the wash and trap it in its greedy tendrils. Afterwards you can remove the hair with a special velcro-comb, from where it can be transferred to the bin (or incinerated if it makes you feel better (which it won't)).

A hairless wardrobe can be yours.

wagster, Mar 06 2007


       you could have "pre-printed" invisible "bald" patches on the velcro.... then you could use them to create hairy landscape pictures or even portaits that gradually grew beards with successive washings... +
xenzag, Mar 06 2007

       Wouldn't a jacket tailored from velcro become, after a few washes, a luxuriant, warm, cosy, dog-hair jacket?
hippo, Mar 06 2007

       I think your bracket neurosis (to coin a phrase (though I'm not sure if that phrase is appropriate on this occasion (a bit like Ron Burgundy's trouble with "When in Rome" in Anchorman (great movie!)) having never used it before)) is similar in vein (vain? (I hate spelling errors followed by queried corrections in brackets (don't you?))) to a LISP (List Programming (for Artificial Intelligence mostly) Language) language.   

       If the idea works (which it might) it would be good (bun ([+])).
theleopard, Mar 06 2007

       + I might even try this as my washing machine did not come with a lint trap (how silly) and my black clothes always come out with some unintended design on them.
xandram, Mar 06 2007

       A file card (for cleaning cutting files) might make a suitable velcro cleaning brush.
wittyhoosier, Mar 08 2007


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