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Universal "I'd Do Him/Her" Hand Gesture

To silently tell your buddies that you are sexually attracted to someone.
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You're in a bar with your friends and it is chock full of very attractive members of the opposite sex. Instead of constantly going up to a friend and saying, "You see that person there? I'd bang him/her in a second. No, that one over there... no the other one...in the blue...no, the other blue...", you just give the hand gesture when your friend is looking.

The gesture itself is a very quick thumb on the nose, middle three fingers down and pinky pointing to said person.

This way you can communicate your horniness in a quick and efficient manner and without the risk of being overheard.

Johnny Moodis, Jun 23 2003

through the round window http://www.bbc.co.u...yschool/intro.shtml
[po, Oct 17 2004]

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       So, you make this gesture and your friend says, "Which one?" and you say, "That one there . . . No, that one over there . . . no, the other one . . . in the blue . . . no, the other blue . . . ."
bristolz, Jun 23 2003

       I don't know about "universal," but I've seen plenty of hand signals used in this context, and I've never had any trouble understanding the intent. Fishbone - some things don't need to be communicated.
DrCurry, Jun 23 2003


       why are you communicating with your buddies instead of the one you are attracted to?
po, Jun 23 2003

       Well if you're directly pointing at someone, you obviously don't have to explain who it is. And it usually does have to be communicated, as not everyone will agree that the person is do-able.
Johnny Moodis, Jun 23 2003

       and today's story is coming through the - round window! sorry USA.
po, Jun 23 2003

       Thank you [po] for the memories.
silverstormer, Jun 23 2003

       1 sugar lump (rationing - getting short of supplies) for silverstormer,
po, Jun 23 2003

       Some things are best left unsaid. This is one of them, Johnny boy.
Zanzibar, Jun 23 2003

thumbwax, Jun 23 2003

       Hey come on. I don't agree with the idea of pointing to someone with a "special" hand gesture to "communicate your horniness in a quick and efficient manner". That's sad. But Johhny has a point and it's that this universal sign doesn't exist. The fact that some of us might never be interested in using it doesn't mean he's wrong.   

       People... you have to BROADEN your mind. Not everybody has to think like you.
Pericles, Jun 23 2003

       ***But Johhny has a point and it's that this universal sign doesn't exist***   

       I think UB took care of that argument.
Zanzibar, Jun 23 2003

       Your buddy probably already knows what you'd "do", having already seen what you've taken home in the past... no? <G>
X2Entendre, Jun 23 2003

       [Zanibar] I thought Pericles took care off my argument (so I wouldn't have to make it). Then you came along (with your reference to UnaBubba). It's UnaBubba not UnaGod (IGE).   

       IBM once thought this word was good enough to make a company motto - Think! (I'd add "for yourself").
thecat, Jun 23 2003

       Who are you kidding! You are a guy! Men don't have standards. You would spend the whole night going around with your thumb on your nose. The more you drank the more your thumb would be on your nose. Meanwhile the girls would be going home with your buddy because he walked up to the girl, told her he found her attractive, and bought her a drink.
shazam, Jun 24 2003

       By your example, the bottom line is - who has the lower standards? A woman who'll be bought with a drink and a lie or the guy who lowers himself to her standards?
Perhaps it should be a drinking mime.
Wait, let me rephrase that.
thumbwax, Jun 24 2003

       My old boss and I had pretty much the same libido and taste in women (up to the point where you get to know their character anyway).   

       Always the same woman'd catch our eye. The same ones would turn both our heads. We'd even have the same false alarms. Sometimes, there'd be no words, not even an obvious gesture. We'd know from the momentary break in the conversation that the same passing woman had caught each of our attentions, then been rejected for exactly the same reason. It was so eery and unspoken that occasionally, it'd be worth a chuckle.
FloridaManatee, Jun 24 2003

       Score out of two?
DrBob, Jun 24 2003

       I read the other day, in response to "studies have shown there are 78 discernible genetic differences between men and women" ... this litte gem:
"Women can use sex to get what they want. Men cannot, because sex _is_ what they want."
I have no opinion on the truth of that, but I thought the symmetry of the statement was cute.
badgers, Jun 24 2003

       of course, the reverse could be true.   

       men have a need to get rid of the stuff.   

       women have a need to collect it.
po, Jun 24 2003

       There's a whole series of potential universal hand gestures I wish existed but don't - viz.
1. The Universal "No, I Don't Have Any Pills" Hand Gesture - for use in busy clubs when wild-eyed drug hoover clubbers mistake your "I'm so drunk if I move I'll fall over" stance for a "I am standing here because I sell drugs and standing still is the best way to sell drugs" stance.
2. The Universal "Please Take This Snooker Ball Out of My Mouth I Never Consented To This" Hand Gesture
3. The Universal "I've Chewed Off My Own Tongue Because Your Chat Is So Rancid That Pain Is The Only Thing Which Makes Me Forget, Please Go Away And Ruin Somebody Else's Evening." Hand Gesture.

       There's probably more, but I can't think of them.
my face your, Jun 24 2003

       I'm not sure what you're babbling about, [thecat], but feel free to stop anytime you like. I've read your little rant 5 or 6 times and I can't make it make sense.
Zanzibar, Jun 24 2003

       [Zanzibar] I don't rant. I 'illuminate'. Since you read it 5 to 6 times (thank you) it wouldn't hurt (it's short) to try another time or two. Hint: When you start thinking for yourself more, you'll understand it more.   

       Good ones, shazam and FloridaManatee.
thecat, Jun 24 2003

       Cats are *so* condescending. thecat - are you Johnny Moodis? I ask, because the only other anno of yours aside from the above is //[Zanibar] I thought Pericles took care off my argument (so I wouldn't have to make it). Then you came along (with your reference to UnaBubba). It's UnaBubba not UnaGod (IGE). IBM once thought this word was good enough to make a company motto - Think! (I'd add "for yourself"). Jun 23 2003//
Since there's no other anno, it's easy to see where bewilderment may lie.
thumbwax, Jun 24 2003

       I admit, I didn't get illuminated either and assumed it was written in response to a now deleted anno . . . or something.
bristolz, Jun 24 2003

       You actually *read* this stuff?
DrCurry, Jun 24 2003

       I am not JM or any other 2nd person [I'm larger than life as it is as 1 person ;)].   

       Pericles was being reasoned and fair and also said something I think more bakers should remember -- broaden your mind, etc.   

       Therefore, I thought Zanzibar pointing to UnaBubbas comment (...Baked) was lame and more of the disingenious (self-serving) idol building (look! someone who I like that me and others like me built into an authority agrees with me so I MUST be right -- yeah, whatever) that goes on here a lot.   

       You're post confused ME as well but maybe your writing got confused in your cat-induced confusion with my post[:)]. I don't think anything has been deleted. Read it again now that you have my explanation and see if that helps.   

       bristolz <sigh> Dr Curry <sigh>
thecat, Jun 27 2003

       // To silently tell your buddies that you are sexually attracted to someone. //   

       Huh? Why do your buddies need this information? I'm fairly certain they don't much care. I'd worry if they do.
waugsqueke, Jun 27 2003

       Marks out of two , I'd give them one.
sufc, Jun 27 2003

       // why are you communicating with your buddies instead of the one you are attracted to?//

Yes! Nail her with a dart, then. That would count as penetration, wouldn’t it?
pluterday, Jun 27 2003

       even better why not tell her. women use their eyes
purple, Jun 28 2003

       <old joke> An attractive girl walked into a bar and asked the barman for 'an innuendo'
He gave her one. </old joke>
gnomethang, Jun 28 2003

       Is it too late to point out that Ubanubba's example has been interpreted in many different ways aside from the idea given? The most common that I've seen is to insinuate two people are humping. I don't think I've ever recalled it being used in UB's manner. Likely just a difference in culture, though.   

       A better example of how this gesture is already in existence is from Wayne's World. The "sha-wingggg" can be done subtlely, and anyone who's seen the movie knows what it means. Those that haven't probably aren't likely to use such a gesture anyways.   

       I like the idea of having something universally known. But, the suggested gesture... the "neener neener neener" face? Come on. Are they to stick their tongues out and pull down their eyelids too?   

       This one goes on my lame list.
rapid transit, Jun 28 2003

       Ubanubba? I think we should all call him that from now on!
DrCurry, Jun 28 2003

       I think the main problem is that any universal "I'd do him/her" sign would first have to be taught around the world... and then, if you don't want them to know you'd do them, you'd have to come up with some other signal...   

       Then again, if you don't want them to know you'd do them, do you in fact want to do them? So, once you've given your buddy the "Nanoo Nanoo" signal, what happens?   

       Perhaps a universal "I'd do you" signal would be more useful...   

       or maybe a universal "Hey, I know I haven't talked with you, but you strike me as a very unique individual, and I was wondering if we might be able to get to know each other a little better, perhaps over some wine at my place..." signal would be more effective?
ye_river_xiv, Sep 02 2006


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