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Troglodyte Road Crossing

make a pedestrian tunnel under a road
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Pedestrian passageways under busy roads are quite common. Most of them consist of a set of steps that descend to a square passageway then traverse the width of the road, reemerging on the other side.

The few remaining ones where I live are dank, scary places, and have featured in several well known BBC police dramas and other films. One in particular has walls that are barely visible under layers of threatening graffiti, and a curved route which means the far end is obscured part of the way along. The armoured lights that were once installed lasted the first week before they were pulverised. Many people simply won't use this particular tunnel.

I quite like the idea of a permanently fixed road crossing being used to present an extra challenge for the daring or adventurous, so I am proposing the Troglodyte Road Crossing.

The journey on the crossing begins in a conventional manner, via a set of well lit steps, but the passageway soon narrows and becomes a meandering constricting tunnel through which only the most agile can wriggle and crawl. Parallel tunnel sections facilitate two way traffic.

Several crossings can be provided based on the principle and are graded according to the level of distance and difficulty. Other tunnels can be zig-zag routes and feature randomly appearing ghost train style surprises. Upkeep is provided by a simple toll machine that prints out a certificate of achievement.

"I crossed the High Street via The Troglodyte Passageway #1"

xenzag, Aug 18 2019

Catapult to Work Catapult_20to_20Work
[Skewed, Aug 18 2019]

Catapult Commuting Catapult_20Commuting
[Skewed, Aug 18 2019]


       //Upkeep is provided by a simple toll machine that prints out a certificate of achievement//   

       Presumably you pay an entry & receive a token you redeem at the other end for the certificate?   

       That way maintenance is alerted (by auto-text from the machine) to the probability of a blockage that needs removing if there's too great a delay between the two events.   

       I suggest a bar gate at the exit that only unlocks when you present your token to avoid false call outs from people not presenting their token at the end.
Skewed, Aug 18 2019

       It would be better if those without tokens were condemned to wander the tunnel forever ...   

       Besides, hasn't TfL got all the Prior Art on this ?
8th of 7, Aug 18 2019

       "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike."
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 18 2019

       //better if those without tokens were condemned to wander the tunnel forever//   

       But the description suggests a single restricted passage that only one person could pass through at a time, so that would permanently put the crossing out of use..   

       Perhaps they can be regularly flushed with large quantities of acid to remove blockages?
Skewed, Aug 18 2019

       // maze of twisty little passages, all alike //   

       // a single restricted passage that only one person could pass through at a time //   

       Yes, definitely the Circle line ...
8th of 7, Aug 18 2019

       //But the description suggests a single restricted passage that only one person could pass through at a time// Ah yes, but don't forget that there are two of these to facilitate traffic in both directions. "Parallel tunnel sections facilitate two way traffic. " I do of course recognise the need to clear any blockages. A team of attendants wielding a long plunger could force any stubborn impediments through.
xenzag, Aug 18 2019

       A short flamethrower would be even more effective.
8th of 7, Aug 18 2019

       & then flush with acid to remove the ash & particulates?
Skewed, Aug 18 2019

       Actually, concentrated sodium hydroxide solution is more effective for ash and grease residues.
8th of 7, Aug 18 2019

       Eh - this is an idea about an alternative method of crossing a road to avoid death and destruction, and not one that encourages it.
xenzag, Aug 18 2019

       Not any more it ain't ...
8th of 7, Aug 18 2019

       Rule 1 of halfbakery (recently revised) : Do not expose innocent ideas to [8th] if you want them to remain 'nice'.
Skewed, Aug 18 2019

       How about catapults & catch-nets instead, much more fun.   

       I think the oldest prior art here for that belongs to [DrBob], beat me to it by 13 years.
Skewed, Aug 18 2019

       //Rule 1 of halfbakery// I thought it was "You do not talk about Halfbakery".
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 18 2019

       It 'was' //recently revised//
Skewed, Aug 18 2019

       A community compost pit and worm farm could bring some life to the tunnels.
sninctown, Aug 19 2019

       Ah yes, the Bakerloo line ...
8th of 7, Aug 19 2019

       I can see competitiveness breaking out, with practice warehouses setup with contest grade, see through, spelunking tubing.
wjt, Aug 19 2019

       // Rule 1 of halfbakery (recently revised) //   

       Bizarrely, you are both correct.   

       The First Rule of Halfbakery is indeed "You do NOT talk about Halfbakery".   

       However, since the header #includes OPTION BASE 0, all arrays are indexed from zero. Therefore, the First Rule is Rule 0. Rule 1 (which is the second rule) can indeed be "Do not expose innocent ideas to [8th] if you want them to remain 'nice'" without generating any contention.   

       We just thought you would be much happier to know that.
8th of 7, Aug 19 2019

       What's wrong with the bakerloo line, took me to work many a time. As for twisty lanes, the Bank to Liverpool st passage is more like an assault course crossed with any Stanley Kubrick fillum you can mention.
not_morrison_rm, Aug 19 2019

       //the Bank to Liverpool st passage is more like an assault course crossed with any Stanley Kubrick fillum you can mention//   


       Should we call child services & have you banned from the route or something? ;P
Skewed, Aug 19 2019

       // any Stanley Kubrick fillum you can mention//   


       "Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain ..."   

8th of 7, Aug 19 2019


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