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Toilet Bowl Bidet Non-Stick Spritzer

Spritzes Toilet Bowl With Non-Stick Spray Before You Sit Down
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While a regular bidet takes aim at your nether region, we can have a bidet that spritzes the toilet bowl before you sit down. Activated by photocell switch, this bowl bidet will spritz an hygienic non-stick spray onto the surface of the toilet bowl itself to ensure that whatever comes out of you doesn't stick to the bowl. This will alleviate the need to use the toilet bowl brush after every flush.
sanman, Oct 20 2024


       The feeling of sitting on a wet toilet bowl seat is.. uh... not ideal.
RayfordSteele, Oct 21 2024

       Rayford, it sprays the bowl, not the seat.
5th Earth, Oct 21 2024

       It's like when the room staff folds the end of the toilet paper after mucking out the bathroom. It doesn't do anything but builds confidence.   

       The bowl is about as clean as it could get just by flushing, and the addition of some pressure or sanitizing detergent in the tank could ensure complete (almost) hygiene without adding complexity.   

       The spritz when you raise the lid is a nice visual confidence-builder, though. [+]
minoradjustments, Oct 22 2024

       @minoradjustments: since you put it that way, this kind of device/setup could first be introduced in corporate washrooms or hotel washrooms, just so that patrons don't encounter any mess left by a previous visitor.
sanman, Oct 22 2024


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