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Timely delivery of bad news letters

So you don't receive a tax-demand on a Saturday morning.
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Bad news letters either arrive at my house Friday afternoon or Saturday morning meaning two things. Firstly, it's put a downer on my richly-deserved weekend; and secondly, the office issuing the letter (inland revenue, my bank, credit card, insurance) are not manning the phone so I can contact them quickly and resolve.

It plays on my mind till 9am Monday morning, but I'm a worrier. It's worse when it's their mistake.

I suggest that bad-news letters be held by the issuing office until Monday morning, then posted, meaning that delivery is assured away from the weekend.

paraffin power, Mar 21 2005

Deliver it on Saturday Deliver_20it_20on_20Saturday
Exciting parcels on Saturday, bad news on Monday [hippo, Mar 21 2005]

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       [+] for your name + [-] for being a worrier + [+] for idea = [+]
etherman, Mar 21 2005

       not only held til Monday morning, but delivered with a strong cup of coffee and a croissant. +
dentworth, Mar 21 2005

       Could this work with school report cards? Mine's due next week, so couldn't they send it while I'm at home so I can screen out the bad reports?   

       [+] for the idea, and if I had another bun to give, [+] for the name.
froglet, Mar 21 2005

       In my experience, worriers will find something else to worry about...."what's going to show up THIS Monday?!?! Oh, my.... not knowing is just torture!" But I like it anway, as it helps not ruin the weekends for the non-worriers better[+]
sophocles, Mar 22 2005

       [sophocles] I keep having this dream that I'm on the bus to the airport for my German exchange trip, and I forget my luggage, and I can't go back.   

       Does that make me a worrier?
froglet, Mar 22 2005

       [froglet] only in your dreams.
sophocles, Mar 22 2005

       I have dreams like that all the time, [froggie], and I have never been unprepared for a trip yet. It's probably going to be ok. Wann gehst du?
k_sra, Mar 22 2005

       "the office issuing the letter... are not manning the phone so I can contact them quickly and resolve." Might this not be part of their plan? It is a psychological tactic. After you spend all Saturday being outraged by their letter about 'certain irregularities in your tax return', you will be exhausted and spend all Sunday wondering what those irregularities were, and then when you finally get to call them on Monday it will be to explain pre-emptively how these irregularities (about which they had no idea) arose.
Basepair, Mar 22 2005

       //Bad news letters either arrive at my house Friday afternoon or Saturday morning //
That's not my experience - I got a bastard today!.
Bun for the sentiment.
gnomethang, Mar 22 2005

       Better yet, have the letters shipped to one of your neighbors on Saturday, so that they can feel better laughing at you (and vice versa), and then you won’t be able switch them till late Sunday or Monday when you run into your neighbor. Not only do your bad letters not ruin your weekend, you can have a great time laughing about how screwed the guy down the block is gonna be.
brodie, Mar 22 2005

       [k_sra] I'd be gone for a week, so I'd have to spend at least 3 hours after I come back posting up more ideas on here. I think I won't have to, though, look at my 'ideas rampage' as [Afro Assault] puts it...
froglet, Mar 23 2005

       I'll bun this if you can also ensure that unwelcome items are not delivered on special days such as birthdays or anniversaries. It was my birthday yesterday and in amongst the cards was a Visa bill.   

       It put a right downer on my day.
salachair, Mar 24 2005


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