Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Temporary Lower Face Tattoos Of An Entire Face

So you can make the character talk with your mouth.
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Popular fun thing people do on Youtube (link). The idea is to have temporary tattoos of different characters so you can have fun without all the trouble of painting them on. Could sell it with the hat that has mesh you can see through but that obscures the eyes.

And I know, somebody HAS to have thought of this.

doctorremulac3, Sep 26 2024

This only not painted on, just temporary face tattoos. https://www.youtube...watch?v=Swqax-IlR3U
[doctorremulac3, Sep 26 2024]

These are pretty darn creative. https://www.youtube.../shorts/wsV2g5vDY2s
[doctorremulac3, Sep 26 2024]




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