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Tasty Ice

No more watered-down soft drinks.
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Every time I order a drink, I specifically as for "no ice" and the server smiles politely when they bring back the drink full of ice and just a little bit of the drink. The solution: different soft drinks could be frozen in ice trays and when a customer orders a drink, the ice would be the flavor of the drink and after sitting for a while, the drink won't be watery. This might end up costing the establishment more, but the customer would probably be happier, and isn't that all we want?
thedoubler2, Apr 13 2004

General notes http://www.newton.d...hem00/chem00490.htm
[kbecker, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

CO2 specific http://www.kgs.ku.e...r2003-33/P1-05.html
[kbecker, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 21 2004]

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       //This might end up costing the establishment more, but the customer would probably be happier, and isn't that all we want?// Absolutely! Scotch on the rocks please.[+]
cromagnon, Apr 13 2004

       Is the idea to freeze multiple different drinks into ice cubes, or to have a business that offers these ice cubes in their drinks? The former is certianly nothing new (in fact, I believe Kool-ade (aid?) has a commercial out in the states right now suggesting that people make ice cubes out of their product).
luecke, Apr 13 2004

       As baked as bagels boiled in liquor.
dpsyplc, Apr 13 2004

       <luecke> I realize its nothing new, and I saw the kool-aid commercial and that's what inspired the idea. However, this type of ice could be put in the mainstream and like restaurant owners could charge a little more for their drinks if they had the "new" ice cubes.
thedoubler2, Apr 14 2004

       That's OK, I prefer my fizzy drinks de-fizzed.
Freefall, Apr 14 2004

       //The only problem is that fizzy drinks dont tend to remain fizzy on defrosting.// No problem, the ice will hold even more gas (links). Of course it has to be frozen under pressure.
kbecker, Apr 14 2004

       Hmm.. at what temperature does bourbon freeze?
booleanfool, Apr 14 2004

       Can you boil liquor?   

       Isn't it flammable?
DesertFox, May 10 2004


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