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Target Tracking Handgun

Use flywheels and electronics to improve handgun accuracy.
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I got this idea while playing with a toy helicopter that has two counter-rotating rotors which allow for yaw control.

Before I get into it - yes I did google and search. There are other ideas for 'gyro stabilized' and target-tracking small arms, but I don't think this one has been posted yet.

Anyway, take a lightweight plastic handgun. The lower the mass the better. On the bottom of the frame, attach a box containing four small flywheels attached to electric motors and some electronics. The gyros will be mounted in 2 pairs - one oriented vertically and one oriented horizontally. The two flywheels in each pair will spin opposite directions, and incorporate a brake on their axle. Using the same principal as the toy helicopter if you suddenly change the speed of one of the flywheels by applying the brake you can apply a torque to the whole machine. Four flywheels spinning at high RPM should allow the gun to be controlled on two axes, pitch and yaw. Now you're probably thinking that in order to move a whole gun the flywheels would need to be large and cumbersome. But the goal is just mild stabilization not complete control, so 4 high rpm flywheels and a light plastic gun should be barely any heavier than a normal pistol with a laser attached.

Now to incorporate the electronics. On the front of the box there is a target acquisition camera. Software uses the camera to detect contrast changes and motion, identify the "center mass" of the target, lock onto it. The targeting area is a relatively narrow range in front of the barrel, so it will only lock onto something the gun is actually pointed at. It then controls the gyros to torque the gun back and forth and attempt to line up the barrel with the target. This type of software is WKTE and fitting it into a gun should be no problem with modern electronics. The design incorporates a rechargeable battery that can provide power for 10 minutes.

So how does it work in action? First, a threat is identified and the wearer reaches down and unbuckles the holster. This action activates the batteries and spins up the flywheels. The gun is drawn and pointed at the target. The camera sees the target and tells the gyros which way to make corrections. The shooter is required to point the gun at the target but the gun will jerk back and forth, making small corrections to stay pointed at center mass. This helps correct for shaking hands or the motion of the target. The shooter does not have to look through the sights. If the computer isn't smart enough to deal with the situation because of what's behind the target, or locks onto the wrong target for some reason, the shooter can easily depress a button on the grip to take manual control.

DIYMatt, Aug 07 2015

Not even the same idea - The buttons are not even less than sure of themselves... Tremorless_20Tools
[normzone, Aug 07 2015]

[Maxwell] has a very tasty idea... http://www.greekint...m/recipes/gyros.php
[normzone, Aug 07 2015]

TrackingPoint https://en.wikipedi.../wiki/TrackingPoint
The same, only in reverse. Probably more practical. [Custardguts, Aug 08 2015]


       Interesting. With the counterspinning gyros, will this prevent the gyro effect of trying to move the gun in one direction resulting in its moment tilting it in another?
RayfordSteele, Aug 07 2015

       " the shooter can easily depress a button on the grip to take manual control "   

       Yeah, a lot of buttons are easily depressed. There's no medication or therapy available for them either.   

       " There are other ideas...but I don't think this one has been posted yet "   

       There may be a good reason for that.
normzone, Aug 07 2015

       //There may be a good reason for that//   

       Yes, I'm so smart I came up with it before everyone else. Or did you mean a different reason?
DIYMatt, Aug 07 2015

       Well, I'm not trying to depress any of your buttons, but...
normzone, Aug 07 2015

       This seem unnecessarily cumbersome. Why not fit the gyros onto the person you're trying to shoot, and get them to track the aiming-point of the gun?
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 07 2015

       I was looking forward to browsing geekinternetmarket.com to find gyroscope-mounted body suits there, [normz].
pocmloc, Aug 08 2015

       // take the shot when someone is smiling. //   

       That would be the "Ferguson Police Special" model, presumably., with the shooter being the one doing the smiling; the shootee obviously doesn't have much to smile about, if anything ...
8th of 7, Aug 08 2015

       See link to Tracking Point system. This one is for longarms, and works almost opposite to what you propose (but works rather well).   

       It doesn't try to influence your aim, it simply pulls the trigger at the right time, when your natural variation in aim aligns with the target. I would bet miniaturising this system would be more likely to work, than what you have proposed.
Custardguts, Aug 09 2015


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