Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Tidier fast food
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The Staplewich™ is a vending machine loaded with various sliced breads, cheeses and meats. Select your combination on the touchpad and robot arms assemble your Staplewich as you'd expect. The finishing touch comes when the slices are pinned together by the folded-over extruding end of a delicate edible membrane tube or tubes filled with your desired condiment. The pressure of the stapling process forces the contents to escape the tubes and neatly spread tastiness inside your chosen snack before it drops into the waiting cellophane bag and down the chute to you.
Phrontistery, Jun 04 2012


       Like the cocktail sticks in club sandwiches?
UnaBubba, Jun 04 2012

       Include a gluten-free bread option and make sure the robotic utensils are thoroughly cleaned between purchases. Here's a bun to help pay for the added R&D expense.
Alterother, Jun 04 2012


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