Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Snuff puff lighter

Safer and tastier
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Smokers - worried about carrying small tanks of explosive fluid inches from your private parts? Worry no more! The Snuff Puff Lighter is a specialy device which one fills with the aromatic powdered sniffing snuff of your choice, doing away with the horrors of butane or worse - ronsonol. On flicking, the device sends a controlled puff of snuff into the air, igniting it with a spark. The debonair smoker, with precision timing, inhales the flaming cloud into the tip of the waiting ciggy. Flaming yang meets metholated yin, and a smoke is born. Plus, if you are out of smokes, you can take a snort right from your snuff puff as a quick fix!
bungston, Aug 18 2003

Flour Power http://www.halfbake.../idea/Flour_20Power
Rather terse in my opinion. But the same tyrannical principle. [bungston, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       OK, you go first.
FloridaManatee, Aug 18 2003

       // tastier //   

       Tastier than combusted hydrocarbon fuel?
As if...
DeathNinja, Aug 18 2003

       Whatever sets your butt aglow, man...
k_sra, Aug 19 2003

       Could you coat the lighter with wintergreen and nicotine, make it dippable? "Just a pinch..."
smallrocks, Sep 30 2003


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