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Snowglobe Shooter

mmm peppermint.
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Inside a 2cm clear sugarglass sphere lies in wait one fluid ounce of 200 proof ethanol, along with spirit-flavour particulates.
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014

Does sugar dissolve in alcohol? http://www.ask.com/...dissolve-in-alcohol
As mentioned in an annotation. [Vernon, Jan 03 2014]

Salt and alcohol http://malaysia.ans...070707022150AASDo36
As implied in an annotation. [Vernon, Jan 03 2014]

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       What keeps the ethanol from dissolving the sugar container between the point of manufacture and the customer, weeks later?
Vernon, Jan 03 2014

       That's the neat thing: alcohols don't dissolve sugars.
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014

       [marked-for-deletion] reason? - snowglobe
xenzag, Jan 03 2014

       "alcohols don't dissolve sugars" --I might be willing to take issue with that (but admit I need to look it up to see the Answer, so might be just blathering here), because of this rationale:   

       Alcohol contains both "polar" and "nonpolar" components in its molecular structure. The polar component lets it be "miscible" (mixes in any proportion) with water; the nonpolar component lets it be miscible with most lightweight oils.   

       The combination of polar and nonpolar components makes alcohol a reasonable solvent for a wide variety of solid substances, although there are limits, of course. Still, based on what I know about various molecular structures, if I had to pick between ordinary table salt and sugar, I would say alcohol would have more difficulty dissolving the salt (the polar property of alcohol is a rather-smaller magnitude than that of water).   

       And now to google for the Answer...(see link)
Vernon, Jan 03 2014

       That problem is easily solved by making the walls thicker. Only a certain amount will dissolve before it reaches saturation.
mitxela, Jan 03 2014

       PULL! <blam!> Damn, missed...
RayfordSteele, Jan 03 2014

       [mitxela], that sounds reasonable; it might be better to pre-saturate the alcohol with sugar before enclosing it. However, I am mindful of the notion "equilibrium", in which particles both dissolve-into and precipitate-out-of a solution. Those events seldom happen at exactly the same place. Net effect, those walls will have a limited life-span (to be determined by testing, of course).
Vernon, Jan 03 2014

       Certainly this must work by trebuchet method?
xandram, Jan 03 2014

       If you substitute butanol in place of ethanol, the sugar will be less soluble and you can still get drunk.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 03 2014

       Simple solution, make the globes of ice and store them in the refridgerator.
pocmloc, Jan 03 2014

       [Vernon] Originally the idea was going to be for a candy, but plugging "does sugar dissolve in alcohol ?" into Google produced a bunch of "no" answers, so I decided to go with the anhydrous shot instead, with saturation as a backup plan.
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014

       [bigs] sure it wasn't a schnapps ? somethingschlager. Oddly enough I didn't think of liquor'd chocolates until long after I posted it. Those'd be the heavily saturated ones I imagine.
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014

       "Goldschlager", that was the stuff: it had little gold flakes in it for the purpose of having little gold flakes in it. Anyways the snowglobe shooter would have much more of a kick than any chocolate on the market.
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014

       [V] ah, so sugar will dissolve very little in alcohol ? okay, we just saturate the pure alcohol first so there's no chance of the inside of the sphere frosting out.
FlyingToaster, Jan 03 2014

       I had vodka with gold leaf in it, it was definitely vodka and it was in a Russian cafe in Glasgow.
pocmloc, Jan 04 2014


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