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Sleevecutter-Clearing Drill

for clearing a sleevecutter of clogs
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Sleevecutters can easily and frequently become clogged with a 'plug' of the material being cut through, and are rendered useless until the plug is removed. Such clogs can be unnecessarily time consuming to clear.

I propose a pneumatic drill which has a 'clear' trigger that directs a blast of air through the center of the sleevecutter to blow the clog out. This has the added benefit of allowing a sleevecutter to perform double duty as a compressed air wand for cleaning the work area of dust/debris as you go.

21 Quest, Aug 18 2014

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       How do you clear a sleevecutter now? Poke your finger there? Used toothbrush? Tame beetles?
bungston, Aug 19 2014

       Pry it out with a screwdriver or other similar implement.
Spacecoyote, Aug 19 2014

       If I understand correctly, this would need a pneumatic connection to the sleeve-cutting bit, no?

       Instead, why not have a lever on the back side of the sleeve cutter bit, that pushes the slug out?
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 19 2014

       That's one more moving part to fail, [MB].
Spacecoyote, Aug 19 2014

       Yes, but if it's pneumatic, how does the air connect to the back of the bit? Or does it come up the bit's shaft? Ah - wait: //through the center of the sleevecutter// OK, as you were.
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 19 2014

       Can you define a sleevecutter (or post a link). I was picturing a hole saw since it has the problem you are solving, but when I Googled sleevecutter, I found no drill type device that could get jammed as described.
scad mientist, Aug 19 2014

       And (+) for anything with compressed air that can be repurposed to shoot things :-)
normzone, Aug 19 2014

       I tried Googling it to provide a link but couldn't find it either, oddly enough. It does the same thing as a holesaw but doesn't need a pilot hole and doesn't have those aggressive, saw-like teeth. At work, we typically use them to make pilot holes for the holesaws. The holesaws use a pilot hole to keep from 'walking' so your hole stays centered properly. The sleevecutter usually is used with a fixture with bushings in it to guide it straight and true. A sleevecutter bit looks like a 6-inch (generally... They do get bigger) steel tube with a hole all the way down the center. The cutting end is steeply concave, with a very sharp edge that, if you look closely, is notched slightly to aid in cutting. Maybe Google calls them something different, but I have no idea what.

       Norm, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that...
21 Quest, Aug 19 2014

       newer holesaws have an L shaped space to give a screwdriver a good lever point. You must be doing a large number of holes. Wouldn't the cutting edge's size and shape, material waste flow design be more the problem here?
wjt, Aug 20 2014

       This may describe what is known as a core drill. The larger ones have a vacuum for the dust.
cudgel, Aug 20 2014

       I wonder if there is an integral cooling fan in the thing you have been calling a sleevecutter, 21? Maybe you could tilt it to vent thru the tube.

       If there were a spring that extended down the center of the cutting sleeve, the core of material would push down the spring as it accumulated. When there was no more resistance in front of the core (you have cut through) the spring would push the core out. The spring could be made fairly robust, as it is the pressure exterted by the machine operator that pushes the core in and the spring down.

       This would not be too hard to mock up. Just stretch a spring to the length of your cutting cylinder and epoxy it to the machine, then attach the cylinder around the spring.

       OK, norm. I know you miss the shooting. If there was a trigger one pulled to release the spring, one could withdraw the sleevecutter with core inside, pull the spring release, then shoot the core into a small basket set at some distance to the side. Epoxy puttying a spring to something falls within my skillset. Trigger spring releases, not so much.
bungston, Aug 20 2014

       The sleevecutter is just a type of bit that works with many kinds of drill.
21 Quest, Aug 20 2014

       //sleevecutter// hole saw ?
FlyingToaster, Aug 20 2014

       /The sleevecutter is just a type of bit/

       If it is a bit then the male part held by the drill is solid. How would the blast of air get in the center of the bit? Or does your concept require redesign of the bit also?
bungston, Aug 20 2014

       As I said, it's a hollow tube. There's a hole that goes all the way down the length of it. The way I currently clear a clog is to pop the Sleevecutter out of the drill and jam a sufficiently narrow drillbit through the hole to pop the plug out from behind.
21 Quest, Aug 20 2014

       So rather than having to hookup to an air supply you could just design the whole drill to have a hollow shaft so you can stick a rod through the hole to clear the bit.
scad mientist, Aug 20 2014

       Yes, but the sound of compressed air is so much more annoying. It makes me want to get a job cutting these holes just so I can send morse code messages to my cow orkers.
normzone, Aug 20 2014

       How about recursive teeth and recursive waste material holes then the dust will never clog the tube.
wjt, Aug 21 2014


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