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Singing Bubble Wrap Field

Bubble wrap looking plastic bumps expand as sun heats the air inside then release valve empties through a whistle.
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The valve / whistle assembly at the top would be set to open at a set PSI for enough time to completly empty the bubble. They'd be maybe 4 or 5 feet diameter and maybe 2 or 3 feet tall when inflated.

They'd all be doing their air release whistle at random times and assuming a pleasant whistle sound was chosen it might be relaxing.

It might look like the pod field in Alien but without the death thing. Just whistling.

doctorremulac3, Sep 16 2024

One possible sound example. https://www.youtube.../shorts/QAEdmv5xhm4
Something relaxing like this. Might play notes or not, but it'd have to be soothing so you'd just sit and watch the bubbles undulating and singing to you. [doctorremulac3, Sep 16 2024]

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       Too much tweaking to get it to whistle. Big risk of sounding like the campfire scene in Blazing Saddles.
minoradjustments, Sep 16 2024

       Good, I'm not the only one who had that as his first thought.   

       Field Of Whoopie Cushions didn't sound as buney.
doctorremulac3, Sep 16 2024

       A self-re-setting valve shouldn't be too hard to do; an "overcentre" spring that gets re-set when the bubble reaches "deflated" with an internal mount. Tolerances will need to be pretty tight.
To get the sun inflating it to enough pressure would be tricky. Might have to have the "deflated" state as quite pressurised too, & only a slight change creating a quick whistle (more a "toot" than a drawn-out blow).
neutrinos_shadow, Sep 16 2024

       How does the air get back in?
pocmloc, Sep 16 2024

       [pocmloc]; good point...
Why didn't I notice that..? I must ponder...
neutrinos_shadow, Sep 16 2024

       Correction: the valve doesn't open by pressure, it rises up and gets pulled open by a string at a set length attached to the ground, it's got a tilt mechanism like a toilet valve that closes after a second when the hot air is gone.   

       It's got a one way valve at the bottom that opens when the hot air section is rising filling the bottom with cold air. When the top valve is pulled open, the weight of the bubble collapsing as the hot air escapes pushes the fill valve at the bottom closed.
doctorremulac3, Sep 16 2024

       I have pondered:
Have the bubbles connected in pairs. An external "sunshade" allows one to cool down while the other heats up. 2 valves & whistles (allows 2 different notes) sit between the bubbles.
When the "hot" side reaches pressure, the valve opens & pressure between equalises, tooting. Valve closes, shade flips (triggered by the pressure shift, perhaps? Or nitinol wire supports?), cycle repeats.
neutrinos_shadow, Sep 16 2024

       Yea, that might work. How about the bubble has blinds that open at the bottom and close at the top? When they close they open the whistle valve?   

       You know, no matter how you do this it would have sort of a creepy breathing vibe. Maybe instead of relaxing whistles it should be spooky sounds, like breathing or really low notes or something. Like moaning ghosts.
doctorremulac3, Sep 16 2024

       Wrap field? Wrap drive? Wrap speed, Scotty!
sanman, Sep 16 2024


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