Similar to the original go board game, but with modifications
make the game simultaneous per turn rather than turn based.
Possible options, on dealing with players selecting the same
pieces at the same time.
1. Cancelled out, no pieces added. Problem is that it can lead
a loop
where the players can always select the same location
over and over again. (especially in computer vs computer).
2. Randomised win. Problem is game will be no longer
3. Lowest points gets the spot. Problem is if its an accurate
assessment of the player strength.
4. Largest contiguous area near cell wins. This is eqiv to
army winning the location due to attrition. Problem is what to
if the is no nearby area?
5. New half half stone to indicate contested area, as soon as
next player reaches it later, it will turn into the corresponding
stone. Problem is you have to keep trace of the 'half half'
on next turn.
Option 4 sounds reasonable as long as another reasonable rule
deal with no nearby area is provided (e.g. shift the stone out
each side and leave a no mans land in between for now).